Got that ultra clean 1939 Rickenbacker today and it actually looks better than it does in the pictures. Its a 9.99/10 with just one very faint nick in the end about 1/64" had to look for awhile to even find it.
I think it might even have the original strings on it cause they have a black winding around the backs of the strings where they twist. I'll save the strings incase they are the originals.
Even with the old strings I can tell what its going to sound like. Its different than my 52 Fender Champion Steel has alot more thicker tone. Its going to be great for Hawaiian stuff cause even with these rusty old strings it sustains good!
I have never owned anything this old in this good of condition this is a true time capsule piece. The tuner buttons have shrunken a little like they always do but dont have any cracks and work fine.
My only complaint is its so chrome and shiny its kinda hard for me to see the tiny position markers.
Going to put some new strings on it tonight and will post a follow up.
Anyone have any good ideas for Hawaiian tunings for 6 strings?
I'd like a tuning where I can strum across all the strings and play chords that sound good and just move up and down the neck without a whole lot of slants.
B11th? C6th? I'm open to any new ideas and have lots of strings to experiment with.[This message was edited by Mark Davis on 20 April 2000 at 12:05 AM.]
[This message was edited by Mark Davis on 20 April 2000 at 12:36 AM.]