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Author Topic:  Designing a stand fo an 8 string Resophonic Guitar
Bob Watson

Champaign, Illinois, U.S.
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2011 12:16 pm    
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I have been playing my 8 string Goldtone/Beard Reso on a keyboard stand and I am wanting to get a friend of mine who is good at woodworking to build me a stand that has steel legs on it. I like playing the 8 string on a stand because slants are easier to play than when I'm using a strap and I also figure it will help me differentiate between the 6 and 8 string cause I'll always play the 6 string with a strap. Hopefully this will keep me from confusing the two when I am playing bluegrass licks on the 8 string. I have a few ideas for the design, like it seems that the stand should cradle the reso while leaving the bottom side of it unhindered so it doesn't dampen the sound. If any of you who read this have any ideas or input, I'd love to hear from you. Also, I am considering putting a P/U in it and would like to hear from other 8 string players to see what they are using.
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Mark Roeder

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2011 5:24 pm    
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Hi Bob
You could check my website for the reso stand I make, it is sturdy and very compact when you need to haul it around. www.deluxe34.com
I have the same 8-string you have and I put a Fishmnan Nashville reso bridge pickup on it and it sounds great. Very natural and sensitive to touch.
www.deluxe34.com lap steel stands, Clinesmith, Gibson Console Grande, Northwesterns, The Best Westerns
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Lee Cecil

North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 26 Sep 2011 8:41 am    
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Isn't the Fishman Nashville the one that replaces the saddle with two separate inserts? If so, how did you get that to work on an 8 string?

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Mark Roeder

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 26 Sep 2011 9:03 am    
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Lee, Yes it is the one. I play an eight string lap steel for the most part and I thought that the closer string spacing I was use to would fit. So I measured it out and it did. If you need the wider string spacing that pick up wouldn't work.
I called fishman and suggested that if they didn't angle the out side corners of the bridge and made them straight up more players could use the pickup for there 8 string reso.
www.deluxe34.com lap steel stands, Clinesmith, Gibson Console Grande, Northwesterns, The Best Westerns
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Lee Cecil

North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 26 Sep 2011 10:57 am    
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Thanks, Mark. I figured as much. The Adams 8 reso string that I'm trying to sell on the forum has 11/32 string spacing, and my 7 string reso is at least that wide, so I don't think I could make the Nashville pickup work on my 7 string. I talked to Paul Beard's shop about it and they recommended the active version of the Fishman Classic Series, which is the little washer type that fits under the cone. I see what you mean about the corners of the Nashville pickup. Maybe Fishman will act on your suggestion.
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