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Author Topic:  RealBand and latency - SOLVED (kinda)
Mitch Crane

1000 Oaks, CA
Post  Posted 19 Aug 2011 11:58 am    
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I have 2011.5 BIAB w/ RealBand on a new Dell XPS17 i7 core laptop PC. No external soundcard or preamps.. Just going line in from my pedal board.

I'm trying to lay down some lap steel parts on these tracks but can't figure out how to get the latency down to a point where I can play along / overdub without the lag time. Any suggestions ?

Last edited by Mitch Crane on 20 Aug 2011 5:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 19 Aug 2011 5:30 pm    
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I'm reposting here. This is the same thing I posted in your post in the BIAB section.

I doubt that you will ever get any lower latency than what you have with the internal integrated audio.

I've seen a lot of posts about this on the Sonar forum and on the Windows 7 forum and the general concensus is that you will need a (good) USB connected recording interface to get lower latency.

This is a "recording" issue as noted and not an issue with BIAB. I would probably see the same thing with my PC sound card and SONAR ( what I use for recording - Sonar X1, Producer Edition).

One thing you can do (or maybe do depending on the PC's sound card) is to output the audio from BIAB to an external mixer with the BIAB to one channel and your steel or whatever in the other channel of the mixer and then record that with the PC. Since the Line In is stereo, you can use a recording program such as the free Audacity to record the Line In to two channels, one for the BIAB track and another for the steel. I'm not sure if you can do this with the laptop's audio, they are not as flexible as a desktop's.
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 20 Aug 2011 2:03 am    
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What Jack is stating is reality and he speaks from years of experience. PC sound cards are for gaming and listening to music.

Latency is due to the lack of ability of the sound card, not the recording program or BIAB.

A quality M Audio hard card , with the primary purpose of recording or a quality USB interface will accomplish your goal. Each can be acquired in the $100 to $150 range...and well worth it.

Emmons L-II , Fender Telecasters, B-Benders , Eastman Mandolin ,
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Mitch Crane

1000 Oaks, CA
Post  Posted 20 Aug 2011 3:50 pm    
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GOT IT ! Installed ASIO4ALL and selected it in Real Band.


1. Rt click My Computer
2. Select "Manage"
3. Select "Services"
4. Find Windows Audio - Stop the service

Believe it or not, sound still generates using the ASIO driver, now with near zero latency...VERY useable ! Downside is now I can't play mp3's etc... so I'll have to keep turning on/off the Windows audio service.

Also, MIDI tracks wont play back, so I converted them to audio tracks in Real Band... and they play just fine.
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Mitch Crane

1000 Oaks, CA
Post  Posted 20 Aug 2011 5:31 pm    
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Here's the result... not the best performance for sure, but I'm thrilled that I now have a way to record !

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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2011 3:17 am    
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Nice recording Mitch, it sounds great..nice playing on an old standard...

The ASIO driver is proper ,at some point if you upgrade to a USB interface for recording you can have it all and you will not have to keep visiting the task manager.

make a million !

Emmons L-II , Fender Telecasters, B-Benders , Eastman Mandolin ,
Pro Tools 12 on WIN 7 !
jobless- but not homeless- now retired 9 years

CURRENT MUSIC TRACKS AT > https://tprior2241.wixsite.com/website
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Mitch Crane

1000 Oaks, CA
Post  Posted 21 Aug 2011 6:47 am    
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Thanks Tony.

I've ordered the M-Audio Fast Track, so I'll see what it's like soon. I'm pretty sure it's going to use ASIO driver as well.
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