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Author Topic:  Oklahoma Steel Convention
Larry King


Watts, Oklahoma, USA
Post  Posted 29 May 2011 12:54 pm    
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I just wanted to say thanks to the guys in the club who worked so hard and who put a great show together , beginning with president Wayne Morton . Thank you for allowing me to be a very small part of the back up players . I'm certain that the public has no idea whatsoever , the amount of work involved in putting on a show , scheduling players , making the lineup , booking the venue etc . As I looked around , I saw tremendous support from the members of OSGA and also from their wives . I hesitate to name names for fear of leaving anyone out . It finished with a bang as eight of the top players jammed out...Roy Rosetta making them change keys , i.e.; Crazy Arms in B natural...or was it F # . It was great fun and kudos to every member who had a part in the show and the work involved . Next year....look out !!! We're coming to Western Hills in Wagoner , a beautiful facility , great rooms , fine dining , awesome view , and a golf course for Barbie Doll and Roy . This is a major advancement toward the success of the annual convention . Memorial Day 2012 . Be there .
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