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Author Topic:  Doug Palmer's setup
Edward LeVasseur


Maine, USA
Post  Posted 28 May 2011 8:54 pm    
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Doug Palmer surely has a very good tone with his Emmons on Youtube With Th Delmonicos.Does someone know what he uses for amp and effects and year of his guitar?Is it a standard Emmons Legrande or is it modified, it sounds like a push pull.
Shobud Ldg Shobud Pro 1 Carter Starter,Vegas 400, Nashville 400 Fender Deluxe Reverb Boss DD3 Holy Grail Reverb
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Tim Tyner


Ayden, North Carolina U.S.A
Post  Posted 29 May 2011 6:05 am    
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Edward,Thanks for posting about Doug and for the name of the band as I have just listened to several songs on u-tube.What great tone and playing.I met Doug a few years back at his home when he worked on my LeGrande for me as he is an expert on Emmons set up and repair.I can't remember what amp he was using at the time,but do remember he had a couple of nice push-pulls in addition to the all pull.The one I really liked was a laquer sd-10 push-pull with 4 pedals on the floor.I also remember what nice person Doug Palmer is.I haven't had a moments trouble with my guitar since,but I am a huge advocate of these guitars.Maybe Doug will see this and reply for you.Thanks again ,Tim
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Doug Palmer

Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 30 May 2011 3:42 pm     Emmons Guitar
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Thanks Tim and Ed for the kind words. I use a standard Peavey Nashville 112. No effects except the onboard reverb. I do have an old Boss-tone for rock and I use a Boss RT-20 Leslie simulator on some Beach and Pop stuff to fill in as an Organ. My guitar in those videos is a standard Legrande III. It does have a wood neck though. The E-9 pick-up is a single coil Emmons at 17.5K. I use the old Emmons volume pedal with Dunlop pot from Tom Bradshaw. I do have a few Push Pulls but don't take them out much.

Keep in touch!

Emmons D-10, ST-10,LD-10 III, NV-112,Fender Deluxe Reverb. Authorized wholesale dealer musicorp.com!
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