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Author Topic:  Zoom R24 Multitracker Angled Stand
Randy Cordle

Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 9 May 2011 7:01 pm    
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Since my new R24 uses 32 gig of SDHC memory, has no moving parts, and cooling is a non-issue it's a perfect candidate for a custom stand.

This one was made to hold the recorder at the perfect height and angle while I'm using it. In addition to the recorder the stand also holds 4 channels of tube pre, 4 channel headphone amp, portable stereo monitoring amp, power strip, and storage for assorted cords, headphones, etc. It is made from 1/2" baltic birch plywood and has angled corner joinery reinforced with walnut splines. It is strong, lightweight, and has built in handles so it can be easily carried.

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Billy Easton


Nashville, TN USA
Post  Posted 9 May 2011 7:11 pm    
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Very Nice....I just got a Zoom R24 and may have to build something as well. Yours looks GREAT!!
Billy & Meriul Easton
Nashville, TN
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Bob Martin

Madison Tn
Post  Posted 10 May 2011 6:23 am    
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Randy, that's a nice looking stand and looks even more practical. Did you build that yourself, I'm guessing yes! I'd like to hear your thoughts on the recorder sometime.

Big Bob
***Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow***
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Randy Cordle

Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2011 7:08 pm    
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Hi Bob,
Yup. I do a lot of woodworking, so this is just a quick project. It took around a day start to finish.

Regarding the R24 I'll say that it's the multitracker I've been waiting 50 years for. I've been playing around with sound recording since I got my first 3" reel to reel when I was about 8 years old. That means I've been doing it for half a century. Very Happy
I hate small displays and trying to do any editing on these multitrackers, so I'm really only using it as an audio capture device. That's exactly what I was looking for, as I do all my editing on the computer. I purchased the R24 because it easily captures 8 tracks of 24 bit 44.1 audio. I use condenser mics for the most part, so it's nice that the R24 has 6 channels of phantom power. I've got phantom on the tube pres if I need additional condenser mics.
Any extra source of noise is a big no-no for me, so the fact that it has no moving parts and records directly to SDHC memory is another big plus.
I may opt for doing overdubs on it also, so the extra 16 available tracks doesn't hurt, either.
I have no use for the sample / drum pads or any of the other features that Zoom claims are of use, just a solid audio capture device is all I want.
My editing room has the PC sitting on the other side of the wall from my desk, so it's really quiet there for any tracking that I might wish to do within my DAW.

It's also cool that you can throw a set of phones on and use the built-in stereo mics for sketch pad use. They actually sound pretty good.
Anything else I can offer an opinion on?
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