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Author Topic:  Needing any/All England Steel players advice and favor
Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 6 May 2011 11:00 am    
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Hey the www.missleslie.com band(well just me and leslie)Are coming to northern England to play 3 to 5 gigs(still working on dates)middle to later July. Then we fly to British Isles(Shetland) for a gig; then onto Norway for a festival and gig.
I usually fly my steel; but too many horror stories and oversize bag/extra bag costs and can't afford or risk that. Anyone have a steel I can use while I'm in UK?? I know I fixed up plenty of Sho~buds for some of you over there???ha....
So what have ya heard about flights to like Manchester; cost of flying my steel or especially flying out of UK to British Isles and onto norway....?? is it bad??
Any advice; help is certainly appreciated and of course if you want to come to any of our shows; it's "on the house" and I'll give you CD's and whatnot..ah...ha...
Also; we will be needing a bass and drummer while over there; and possibly a guitar player; these would have to be players that are well aware of classic country styles and LOVE to play classic country music...
Thanks all....PLEASE Email me at sshawaiian@austin.rr.com for your help/responses and whatever....as I rarely get on here anymore.
Ricky Davis
Email Ricky: sshawaiian2362@gmail.com
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