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Author Topic:  String Gauge for C6 tuning
Rickey Mitchell


Fresno the center of California
Post  Posted 26 Mar 2011 9:14 am    
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I tried to tune down from open D to C6, the string was way too floppy .
When I tried to tune up the string simply broke.Is using a 36 gauge for the low C the answer? Is there a particular set of strings for C6?
Thanks in advance.
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Rickey (Noel) Mitchell
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Tom Pettingill

California, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 26 Mar 2011 9:19 am    
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I like the Jagwire C6 set b0b sells through the Forum store http://www.steelguitarshopper.com/products/C6th-or-A6th-Lap-Steel%2C-nickel-wound.html
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Brad Bechtel

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 26 Mar 2011 2:05 pm    
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Yeah, you CANNOT use the strings you'd use for open D with C6th tuning. Here's a comparison between the two:

1. D - E
2. A - C
3. F# - A
4. D - G
5. A - E
6. D - C

The first couple of strings look like they'd work, even though the strings would be tuned much higher than they should. The bottom three strings have to be tuned up a fourth, fifth and seventh respectively. If you try to tune a .056 string up to C, you'll break the string.

Use the proper strings for the proper tuning and you'll be much happier.
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Todd Weger

Safety Harbor, FLAUSA
Post  Posted 28 Mar 2011 11:36 am     My "6th-in-a-pinch" fix
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I play out of open D most of the time on my six string steels. Occasionally, I'll use open low-bass G. For a quick tuning with a Hawaiian or old-time country sound, I'll retune the high A string up to a B for a D6 tuning. True, there's no 5th between those B and F# strings, but it works fine for a lot of things. With with more bar slants, you can do quite a bit. When I just absolutely have to have C6, and that 5th in the chord, I use one of my steels with that tuning on it. You definitely want those proper string gauges.
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