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Bobby Rountree

San Angelo, Texas, USA - R.I.P.
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2006 6:45 am    
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The Curtis Potter benefit yesterday was a huge success. The turnout was great and the music was outstanding. The house band, Justin Trevino, Dixie Hankins, Kelly Spinks and Johnny Cox, were superb.The Jake Hooker Band was extraordinary with Dickie Overby... Billy Mata and Roger Edgington and all the great Artist were wonderful. Thanks to Frenchie Burke, Claude Gray,Jody Nix, Tony Booth, Johnny Bush Darrell McCall and everyone for donating their time and talent for a very worthy cause....And thanks to Fred Shannon for saving a table for us..Smile... And all the forum members for their support.

[This message was edited by Bobby Rountree on 27 February 2006 at 08:04 AM.]

[This message was edited by Bobby Rountree on 27 February 2006 at 09:19 AM.]

[This message was edited by Bobby Rountree on 27 February 2006 at 09:42 AM.]

[This message was edited by Bobby Rountree on 27 February 2006 at 10:25 AM.]

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Doyle Mitchell


Loraine, Texas
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2006 8:38 am    
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If Curtis ever wondered how much he is loved , that question should be answered. How anyone could put togather a concert with that many big names of Texas talent in one building ,on a certain day and time and have all of them change their schedules and be there with not one no- show simply blows my mind. Tony Booth drove 10 hours there to see Curtis and perform for 20 minutes and then home, now brothers that is a true friendship. Johnny Cox, Dicky Overby, and Rodger Eddington were all superb on the steels, and the 5 Texas fiddles were..... I guess there aint no words strong enough to say how good they were. We sat next to a young steel player and his wife that drove in from Colorado Springs, Colorado. He said this was a once in a lifetime event for a chance for him to see and hear the Texas greats all at one time, well it was for a lot of us.... I have been a big Tony Booth fan for many years and this was the first time I have ever saw him in person. Hats off to Tracy for a great job of putting this togather for Curtis. Hats off to each and every performer that was there, hats off to all the steel players from all over the country that came to support our friend Curtis, and to the hundreds and hundreds of music fans for their support,
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Fred Shannon

Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2006 9:20 am    
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WOW!!What an event. Curtis and Pat were just overjoyed and more accurately overwhelmed by the turn out. Standing room only in a very large meeting place at Melody Oaks Ranch. What a show.

The steelers Johnny Cox, Dicky Overby, and Roger Edginton were really on top of their game. My Grandaughter and I were privileged to sit with the Roundtrees and Ricketson's for 5 hours of true country music. Young and old were represented on that bandstand.

I took several pics but am having trouble d'loading them. I'll post them when I work the bugs out. I think Shady Mitchell put the hex on my camera work.

Got to see several old friends and made several new ones. Even finally got to meet Sonny Jenkins and his lovely wife. What a day.

I was really impressed with Big Spring's Favorite Son, Jody Nix. A superb entertainer and brought tears to my eyes with his performance. He reminds me so much of Hoyle, his dad and my first musical employer, with his stage presence. I know Hoyle would be proud of his kid.

"From Truth, Justice is Born"--Quanah Parker-1904

[This message was edited by Fred Shannon on 27 February 2006 at 09:21 AM.]

[This message was edited by Fred Shannon on 27 February 2006 at 04:19 PM.]

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Bob Tuttle

Republic, MO 65738
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2006 10:06 am    
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I'll have to "ditto" everything Bobby, Doyle, and Fred said about the show yesterday. I arrived at 2:00 pm, just as Justin Trevino was doing the first song. I stayed until about 8:30. Darryl McCall finished up the show, and did a great set. Man.... when Justin was singing harmony with Darryl, it sounded like Darryl was harmonizing with himself. He really nailed it.

The entire show was just fantastic. Can you imagine almost seven hours of continuous "Traditional" country music, Texas style? I think I'm suffering from music overload this morning.
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Don Ricketson

Llano, Texas
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2006 10:39 am    
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All of the above. Fellows, that's probably the most talent in one place and the greatest show we'll ever see in our lifetime. Everything went off without a hitch. They took in over $15,000.00 for Curtis. Thanks goes mostly to Tracy Pitcox and the www.hillbillyhits.com radio station KNEL in Brady Tx. and the fan club for putting all that together. Good job guys...Don.

[This message was edited by Don Ricketson on 27 February 2006 at 08:01 PM.]

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Johnny Cox

Williamsom WVA, raised in Nashville TN, Lives in Hallettsville Texas
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2006 11:34 am    
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I can't express enough what an honor and pleasure it was for me to be a part of that show. Curtis has been one of my heroes for year. Musically, it was the best day of my career so far. All of my favorite singers were there and I got to play with all but one, Jake Hooker. Dicky Overby was there with Jake and the rest of his band. You can't imagine the thrill to play with Justin Treveno, Tony Booth, Jody Nix, Johnny Bush, Darrell McCall, Claude Gray, Frechie Burk along with all the other great talents that gave of their time for this great cause. I am still wound up. I want also to recognize my friend Dixie Hankins who played drums. That girl can flat play a 4/4 shuffle. Kelly Spinks did a great job playing fiddle with us all day. What a nice guy and good player he is. Thanks to Justin Treveno, who I think is one of the best bass players and singers in the history of country music for asking me to play this event.


Johnny Cox
MSA Legend D10/12,
10 string MSA Super Slide. Peavey NV112, PODXT, Walker Seats, John Pearce Strings and Bars, Goodrich Volume Pedals, D2F covers, George L cords and a bunch of other stuff.

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Roger Edgington

San Antonio, Texas USA
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2006 3:45 pm    
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What a wonderful day. I got to see and hear some of my all time favorite singers and players and all for a good cause. A big thanks to the organizers for inviting Billy Mata,Chaney Rutherford,our guitar player,and myself for being a part of the fun. I was also able to meet some forum members and now I have faces to go along with some familiar names.
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Sonny Jenkins

Texas Masonic Retirement Center,,,Arlington Tx
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2006 4:22 pm    
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JOHNNY COX,,,,what a talent,,,Nashville's loss is Texas' gain!!! I was going to speculate and say that surely this must have been the most worthwhile event in Johnnys career,,,but he beat me to it,,and admitted it!!! You could see (and hear) it in every note he played. Anyone who thinks "country" music is dead should have been in central texas yesterday!! It was a steel guitar lovers' dream,,,classic country music,,and Johnny nailed it to a "T". ,,,then Roger Edgington HAD to follow Johnny,,but he stepped up like the pro he is and shined like a new penny!!! All the "stars" that we associate with steel guitar were there,,,but to me steel guitar was the star yesterday,,,it was a once in a lifetime event for us.

Glad I got to meet Phred and his beautiful grand daughter, Bobby Rountree, Doyle Mitchell and several other forum members,,,and see Bud Harger, Jim Flynn and some other PSG buddies. Look forward to seeing everyone in Dallas.
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Doyle Mitchell


Loraine, Texas
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2006 4:50 pm    
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Fred, I am sorry about the camera, but I warned you to take that picture at your own risk!! It was probably the look on my face from Johnny's ride on orange blossom special that blowed your camera. I think he has 20 fingers!!!
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Danny Letz


Old Glory,Texas, USA 79540
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2006 5:11 pm    
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Amen to what you guys said. Frenchie told Johnny he was outnumbered five to one, but Johnny played enough steel to cover it and then some. And I thought Rogers Zum had tone to the bone and maybe to the marrow. What a day, I barely moved from my chair and every once and awhile I could see the band thru the dancers. The money it raised wasn't shabby either. The West Texas Steel Guitar Association was well represented in the crowd. Like ya'll said, once in a lifetime day.
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Craig A Davidson

Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2006 5:43 pm    
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Johnny I am sure glad to hear you mention Dixie. I have known her for years as she is from my hometown in Iowa. If her dad, Bobby, was still with us, he would fit right in with all the rest of the talent down there. She a great drummer in my eyes,also.
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Roger Edgington

San Antonio, Texas USA
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2006 8:01 pm    
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Danny,You are sooo right. Johnny was really smoking with Frenchy. I've never seen him play that fast. I guess Texas agrees with him. I don't know how Dixie kept up with Frenchy after playing all day, but she did. Everybody played great all day long.
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Larry Schoppe


Lake Jackson, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2006 7:48 am    
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What a great show it was and all for a very loved and repected man, Curtis Potter. Here's hoping Curtis will be back to singing really soon. I consider Curtis to be one of the best vocalists around. Johnny Cox did an outstanding job, as did Roger and Dickie. Got to meet Sonny Jenkins and his wife and we were fortunate enough to share a table with them. We arrived at noon and the seating was aready getting hard to find. Looking forward to Dallas!!!

Western Swing ain't dead, it's Asleep at the Wheel

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Johnny Cox

Williamsom WVA, raised in Nashville TN, Lives in Hallettsville Texas
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2006 8:52 am    
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Thanks guys for all your kind words. I don't think that day could be topped. About Roger Edgington, that guy can play!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had not heard him before Sunday and I was knocked out. And what a nice guy. My pal Dicky Overby was, as usual wonderful. If I could play like him I would just sit around the house and entertain myself.


Johnny Cox
MSA Legend D10/12,
10 string MSA Super Slide. Peavey NV112, PODXT, Walker Seats, John Pearce Strings and Bars, Goodrich Volume Pedals, D2F covers, George L cords and a bunch of other stuff.

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Roger Edgington

San Antonio, Texas USA
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2006 10:23 am    
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Johnny and others,thanks for the kind words. All of the wonderful talent up there really makes you want to play. There wasn't a dull moment all day.
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Sonny Jenkins

Texas Masonic Retirement Center,,,Arlington Tx
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2006 12:04 pm    
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Larry,,it was our privilege to have you and your beautiful wife join us at the table,,,look forward to seeing ya'll in Dallas,,,
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Danny Letz


Old Glory,Texas, USA 79540
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2006 5:27 pm    
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Roger, I was the guy asking you questions about your Zum. I have a 2003 D-10 which I love except for the stock Zum pickups. They are not exactly right for me. I have a 1989 S-10 Zum with George L E-66 that is much closer to what I like, but still not exactly right. The problem is that I don't know what I need. Your Zum sounded really, really good to me. Maybe I'll see you at Dallas.
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Roger Edgington

San Antonio, Texas USA
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2006 5:30 am    
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My Zum is a stock 1998 with George L10-1 pick-ups. I was playing through a standard Goodrich Pot Pedal into one of Johnny Cox's PV-112 with just amp reverb. Sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you more. It was pretty crazy back stage.
See you in Dallas!!
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