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Author Topic:  dva;Heartlands Hayride Radio and Webcast 1-21-06
Dave Van Allen

Souderton, PA , US , Earth
Post  Posted 20 Jan 2006 9:05 am    
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"Just when you think you're out, they pull
you back in"-Michael Corleone

I'm returning to my old haunts this Saturday evening (6-8pm EDT) to play in the staff band on "Heartlands Hayride" on 89.7FM in Sergeantsville NJ.

(Forumite Ben Lawson has been the Hayride steeler for quite a while now, but has left to persue other interests.)

I was the original staff steeler on this broadcast when it started back in September '00, and played regularly into 2002 and sporadically since. So I was invited to be back in the saddle again for a while.

"Heartlands Hayride" is a locally (NJ near Princeton) produced LIVE 2 hour weekly show dedicated to entertainment with a "down home" flavour. The acts have been selected from auditioners from the surrounding New Jersey hills, and range from neophytes to relatively seasoned singers, story tellers, etc...

The instrumentation is minimalist; this week it's accordian, steel, bass, and rhythm guitar... unfortunately some of the singers have some very lushly orchestrated expectations...

There are a few "band features," and I will be sharing the fills and solos behind many of the performers on Pedal Steel (Probably the ZumSteel U12)

Featured Steel Guitar instrumental this week may be "Last Date"

WDVR FM 89.7 or 91.9
Sergeantsville, New Jersey

Webcast: www.wdvrfm.org

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[This message was edited by Dave Van Allen on 21 January 2006 at 08:38 AM.]

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Duncan Hodge

DeLand, FL USA
Post  Posted 24 Jan 2006 6:41 pm    
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Hey Dave,
I love that station. I used to drive through Sergeantsville when I lived in Jersey. It had some of the best old timey music that I have ever heard. do they stream it online?
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Dave Van Allen

Souderton, PA , US , Earth
Post  Posted 25 Jan 2006 4:51 am    
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yes they do stream Duncan. the link above for wdvrfm.org has a 'listen now" button.
I think you need Windoze Media Player to listen.
I will be playing again this weekend so tune in and listen for the train wrecks... man we had a doozey last week one gal stopped a tune after 8 bars or so and said on mic "that ain't the way we rehearsed it guys..." she was right, but no one in the band had ever heard the song she'd been practicing with her karaoke machine... with us on accordian, steel and bass there was little hope of coming close to whatever she was hearing in her head...
like i said "some of the singers have some very lushly orchestrated expectations..."
in any case it's a hoot to hear us struggle thru 2 hours with a different "artist" every 6 minutes or so...
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Dave Van Allen

Souderton, PA , US , Earth
Post  Posted 28 Jan 2006 9:14 am    
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bumping for 1-28-06

Band lineup is lead guitar, steel , bass, rhythm guitar.

once more into the breach...
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