We have updated the Siloam Springs Steel Guitar Clubs website.Check out the photos of our friends at the 2005 convention.My daughter-in-law Christy,is our webmaster and I really appreciate her efforts to support the SSSGC.Hey,if you have a website that you would like to be added on our related links or if you have a photo that you would like posted on our website,let me know.No nudity please unless someone has a photo of Fred Justice playing with his shirt off.Lord help us.Our web address is www.sssgc.com
Roger Osbourn (President),Siloam Springs Steel Guitar Club
Phone 479-524-4240
*(The greatest gift a father can give his children is to love their mother)
*(Opportunity is missed by most people because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work)
[This message was edited by Roger Osbourn on 09 January 2006 at 06:07 AM.]