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Topic: Ga Peach Jam in Hollonville, Ga |
Frank Speights
From: Jackson, Ga USA
Posted 5 Dec 2005 5:43 pm
I thought since the forum is back up and running that I would tell everyone that I throughly enjoyed the Ga Peach Jam yesterday (4 Dec). It was really great to meet Randy Beavers, Mark Van Allen and Herby Wallace. I really enjoyed their playing. I also enjoyed finally meeting Tommy and Donna Dodd, Roger Crawford as well as other members of the Ga Steel Guitar Association. I would also like to a plug for Jack Goodson from Georgetown, Ga. Jack you did a good job on your new Carter. It was also good to meet Lynn Owsley. Lynn I hope that you get to feeling better. I had a super good time and I really like the Hollonville Opry House. I would also like to thank Randy and Teresa McDonald for their catering. Randy I would like to tell you again that the Vegatable Soup was outstanding. If the Good Lord lets me live I plan on being at the next jam in 2006. |
Bill Fulbright
From: Atlanta, GA
Posted 5 Dec 2005 6:16 pm
My thanks to Roger for the invitation and the membership to the GA Steel Guitar Assn.
Tommy Dodd, Randy Beavers, Mark Van Allen, Herby Wallace and a few others I have not heard before were all great!! Several great back up bands held down the stage for these acts...and made it possible for these great players to show us what they can do!
It was so cool to sit down and talk with each of these guys... Thanks also to Herbie for a great chat.
Thanks to Randy for the GREAT Brownie for my Daughter.. she loved it and also for the Freddie Fender tune!
I am also VERY glad my wife found some other lady knitters.... saved my bacon.
Bill Fulbright
Gitane DG500M; Ibanez Artcore AF85VLS, Yamaha SY-77; My Music Site -
Bill Cunningham
From: Atlanta, Ga. USA
Posted 5 Dec 2005 6:29 pm
I had a great time. It sure is nice to get out to hear everyone play and have the opportunity to socialize with all the players. When I grow up, I still want to play like Bob Strum and Clyde Bloodworth.
Thanks to Roger, Donna, and the rest of the officers and staff for putting together another great event! We'll see ya'll at the Shriners Show in February.
"Gimme a steel guitar, 2 or 3 fiddles and a Texas rhythm section that can swing"..R. Pennington
Bob Strum
From: Anniston Alabama
Posted 6 Dec 2005 5:38 am
Roger, thanks for your hard work for the GA show. It's guys like you that give people like me to come together and hear great music, but also to meet and "re-meet" friends from all over. This show really has a special place in my plans to come...whenever! Bill, I guess Clyde and I have just a little more road under our wheels! Rob, of all things, I should have wished you a "Happy Birthday"! Your music always make a celebration. |
Ernest Cawby
From: Lake City, Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Posted 6 Dec 2005 6:18 am
Bob it sounds like the makeover on the Pedalmaster really worked it sounds great, good to see you again and we stopped in lake park and gave Linda your greatings, stay well practice much and pass it on to us behind.
ernie |
Bill Cook
From: Montgomery, Alabama, USA (deceased)
Posted 6 Dec 2005 7:41 am
Roger and All,
Another great Jam as usual from the Georgia Folks. You sure do know how to make people feel at home and enjoy themselves. Thanks again for all you do and especially thanks for helping me in my ALABAMA STEEL GUITAR ASSOCIATION off the ground.
Mark van Allen
From: Watkinsville, Ga. USA
Posted 6 Dec 2005 1:24 pm
It was wonderful to hear such good playing, and I got to reconnect with some old friends I really hadn't expected to see for a special treat. Many thanks for including us, and for all the hard work on eveyone's part that goes into these great gatherings!
Stop by the Steel Store at:
Marlin Smoot
From: Kansas
Posted 6 Dec 2005 3:12 pm
It was humbling to be standing next to some of the greatest steel players was "priceless".
To mention everyone by name and how great this show was would take more room here than I'm allowed...but Randy Beavers has to be heard live...words can't say how gifted he is.
Tommy Dodd is a freak of nature, boy can he play! Mark Van Allen has been nothing but a true gentleman to me since I've been in Atlanta over the last 6 months and his great personality comes through in his playing, taste and tone, he has the whole package. Meeting Herby Wallace...need I say more.
The amazing thing is the other players only known around here for the most part and how great they played, I don't know any of them but it would be an honor to. This is a must see steel guitar jam/show. The level of playing is top shelf!
I didn't get to hang with a lot of the players but Roger and Donna are excellent host's, super nice people and I can't say enough great things about everyone there and how great the show was.
My 9 year old daughter loved the cookies, brownies, pickles, ice crean & cake, potato chips...then more ice cream, cookies...but I'm thankful I can have her hear steel players other than her dad. |
Donna Dodd
From: Acworth, Georgia, USA
Posted 6 Dec 2005 4:19 pm
It is so emotionally rewarding to witness the incredible growth of this 2 year old club! Yes, a lot of work goes into the organization all year long, and the two annual jams are the icing on the slow-baking cakes. . . . and I DO like cake!!
What can you possibly say about Herby Wallace that hasn’t already been said? Great having you and Bunny with us, Herby! Randy and Judy Beavers celebrated their 30th anniversary with us. A little peach cake and vanilla ice-cream, serving 60-plus people at the end of the show was our way of saying Congratulations to this super couple!!
It’s nice to hear Rob Parker’s singing AND playing at our show! He had his red socks on, and sounded as good as ever! Since his birthday was the day before, I thought he might be too old to entertain us – but he didn’t let us down. The staff band, Woody, Johnny, Wayne, Wayne, and Jimmy – as ALWAYS, hung in there for the day and made the whole show possible. You guys are the best!! Thanks to each of you for your dedication to the GaSGA!
I enjoyed hearing Shorty Smith do his original tunes – and I’d have to say they were definitely REAL country. Speaking of REAL country, Ernie Cawby sang and played his latest original – an upbeat western-swing tune about having steel guitar in your song. Later Nan even let me two step with him. Thanks, Nan!!
We missed Bob Evens this time, as he was on some kind of duty in Mississippi. But let me tell you what he did – He donated $50 to the first 5 new members’ 2006 annual dues! I thought that was so very thoughtful – and of course, so did the recipients of the donation! Thank you Bob. In Bob’s absence, Roger Crawford opened the show with a beautiful testimonial prior to his set. They just don’t get any better than Roger when it comes to a leadership role and working so hard behind the scenes.
Mark Van Allen was a joy to hear! Very tasteful Mark! WE heard some original music along with a few we recognized from years back – Rocket Man and Please Come to Boston. Brett Day was sitting with me, and couldn’t stop clapping and smiling. GREAT SET! And I do think you should just go ahead and camp out there for June, because there’s NO WAY you’re not going to be there!!
Brett Day sang and played Pop-A-Top and Blue Christmas. He is my special buddy – and my hero!
I don’t say this just because he’s my husband, but nobody moves me like Tommy Dodd does playing. He loves it so much and just looks so darn handsome up there on stage, doesn’t he???? When Brad and Timeless Highway did the gospel piece about holding HIS hand, I felt absolutely paralyzed in my seat. It was so beautiful, and I didn’t want it to end.
To all our local friends who supported the jam, the Hollonville Opry staff, Randy and Teresa, Don Crawford and Nan Cawby for photos, our Alabama, South Carolina and Tennessee members, Judy Beavers for manning the Welcome table – If we don’t see you in February at Jerry Braswell’s show at the Shrine Temple, then how about we do it all again in June 2006!!!!
Hey Marlin - your daughter was a sweetheart! We did some icing together with our fingers. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[This message was edited by Donna Dodd on 06 December 2005 at 04:20 PM.] |
Jim Meiring
From: Highlands, North Carolina, USA
Posted 7 Dec 2005 5:33 am
I had a great time at the Peach Jam. What a great group of steel players! Many thanks to all who worked to put on the event. |
Bob Evens
From: Loganville,GA 30052 USA
Posted 7 Dec 2005 7:02 am
Hey gang:
Sorry I could'nt be there. ( I won't miss another one) Donna, thank you for the note and I am glad I could have a small part in the program. Thanks Roger for filling my spot and I know you all did a stellar job.
Merry Christmas and God Bless!
Play with your heart... your hands and feet will follow
Zum D-10
DPC-750/Profex ll,
[This message was edited by Robert Evens on 07 December 2005 at 07:14 AM.] |
Roger Crawford
From: Griffin, GA USA
Posted 7 Dec 2005 9:55 am
Well, I was going to add a nice reply here, but all I can do now is to say "ditto" to what Donna said! It was absolutely marvelous to have made some great new friends and see some old familiar faces as well. Good music all day and our great staff band was a HUGE part of that. And thanks to the Hollonville Opry House not only for the facility, but for their hard work in helping us with sound and set-up. As Donna says, "it's just a magical place". When you have a minute, go to their web site and sign their guest book and give them a nice "thank you" for all they do for us. Again, thanks for everyone's help and support as we continue to grow.
Roger Crawford
President, GaSGA
[This message was edited by Roger Crawford on 07 December 2005 at 09:57 AM.] |
Shorty Smith
From: Columbus, Georgia, USA
Posted 7 Dec 2005 3:06 pm
Roger, I really enjoyed the 4th Dec Jam, great Steelers and the backup band was wonderful, Thanks for a great day of music, looking forward to the next one |
Stephen Gambrell
From: Over there
Posted 7 Dec 2005 8:21 pm
Roger, thank you SO very much for the invite, and it looks like I missed a good'un! I'll tell you how I spent MY Sunday, when I see you again. You guys, hold me a spot in February!!!
Roger Crawford
From: Griffin, GA USA
Posted 8 Dec 2005 5:44 pm
Yes, my friend, you indeed missed a good 'un. I understand your situation, though, and you will always be welcomed at any of our Jams. See you soon, buddy.
Roger |
Ernest Cawby
From: Lake City, Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Posted 10 Dec 2005 3:15 pm
Bill anytime Nan is any where there is a Knitting bag close by, she loves to make baby shoes, hats, and blankets for new born, I do not know how many she has done, lots and lots. Julie Jeffs granddaughter was one. tell her to see Nan at the next show, it will be a thrill for her to know another knitter.
ernie |