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Matthew Warman

here and now
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2010 10:03 am    
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Can anyone recommend a good instructional CD/DVD that covers all the most commonly used chords, chord progressions and their inversions up and down the fretboard that all working pedal steel players will need to know in playing with bands/singers, with working examples on how to use them with a few popular songs? THANKS!
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Del Walters

Milford,Texas, USA
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2010 3:05 pm     Mickey Adams Beginners Book
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I'd get Mickey Adams Beginners Book, and watch his and others You Tube instruction. Jeff Newman has some wonderful teaching material, especially Right hand alpha, and up from the top. There are many, but that where I started. Doc
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Nathan Sarver

Washington State, USA
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2010 3:12 pm    
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Maurice Anderson has a book/cd called "The Missing Link" that teaches you how to find all the major, minor and dominant chord positions using 3 pedals and 2 knee levers. It has exercises using common as well as less common chord progressions and has 5 popular country standards at the end. It's very well done. I think it should come packaged with every pedal steel guitar sold Very Happy
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Herby Wallace

Sevierville, TN, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 8 Oct 2010 2:12 pm     Chords
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I have been doing instruction courses since 1969 and I have done over 35 different ones, but my best course for learning chords, chord building and chord progressions for the E9th tuning is my course HWP-300. This course is a book and CD and also includes many other things, such as: 6 songs, 25 runs and licks, intros, scales, exercises and much more. As to chords, I cover chords with no pedals, with each pedal and each knee lever and pedal and knee lever combinations. I also have similar courses for the C6th tuning too. If you are interested, my email address is: HWallac480@aol.com and my web site is: www.herbywallace.com


Herby Wallace
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