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Author Topic:  Need to swap the baffle in a Fender HR DeVille 4x10
Chuck Snider R.I.P.

West Virginia, USA - Morgantown, WV
Post  Posted 20 Sep 2010 9:28 am    
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I'm wanting to mount a 15 inch speaker in my Fender HotRod Deville 4x10. I know I need to create a new baffle to accomodate the 15" speaker, and then swap out the one in it now. I've never had that apart and was wondering if anyone on here can tell me if I need to remove the amp from the cabinet in order to get the original baffle out? Looks like there are 6 screws (with nuts on the inside) from the front, three on top and three on bottom.

I know this is not rocket science, just trying to avoid pulling the amp only to discover I could have done it without doing that.

And of course if you have any other suggestions or advice about doing this, I'm all ears.

GFI U-12 Ultra Keyless, Carter Black U-12, both with Alumitones, and a sweet '70 Sho-Bud Permanent D-10, NV400 in Rick Johnson cabs, NV112, '73 Vibrosonic in Rick Johnson cabs, Hilton pedal, Steeler's Choice seat, Bessdang Gizmos from Dale Hansen, and a few other widgets and doodads.
I may not sound good, I just don't wanna sound bad.
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 21 Sep 2010 1:57 am    
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this is major surgery, take it ALL apart...

the extra 15 minutes to take it all apart will provide you with the proper work enviornment and there will be no risk of damaging the chassis.

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Rich Hlaves

Wildomar, California, USA
Post  Posted 21 Sep 2010 8:17 am    
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What Tony said...............They come apart real easy not a big job. There are only six screws holding the chassis in place, two on top and two on each side. I would suggest you pull the tubes first to prevent damaging one if the chassis gets away from you.

Be real carefull not to cross-thread the chassis screws when reassembling the amp. Start them with your fingers and get a couple of turns before you apply the screwdriver. The weld nuts in the chassis are pretty soft as are the screws. Remove the top chassis screws last while holding the chassis and put them back in first. Get all the screws stated before tightening them all up to get everything aligned after your baffle swap.

You may have to pull the Fender DeVille badge to get access to the top center screw.

Thats all I can remember, hope it helps.

On man....let the smoke out of another one.
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Steve Waltz


Post  Posted 21 Sep 2010 8:44 am    
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I did this to a 59 bassman reissue. I'm not sure how similar it is to your amp with 4x10. The output ohms was something like 2 so it took an output transformer change to work for the 8 ohm altec that I put in it. I took out the old speakers and hung them on a wall. I ordered new baffle material, built a new baffel and installed it.

It does take some work. I like the way it turned out but I'm not sure that it wouldn't have made more sense to get a tweed pro reissue instead.

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Rich Hlaves

Wildomar, California, USA
Post  Posted 21 Sep 2010 9:04 am    
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The HRDv 4-10 is an 8 ohm output amp (4-8ohm speakers in a series parallel configuation). OT changes will not be required with the correct speaker. The 2-12 is 4 ohm BTW.
On man....let the smoke out of another one.
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Chuck Snider R.I.P.

West Virginia, USA - Morgantown, WV
Post  Posted 21 Sep 2010 12:44 pm    
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Thanks guys!!! Good info to have. I have played out with it using a separate 15" speaker cab plugged into the main speaker jack, with the output plug to the stock speakers pulled out. Sounded much better with PSG than the stock 4x10 speakers which were quite shrill.

GFI U-12 Ultra Keyless, Carter Black U-12, both with Alumitones, and a sweet '70 Sho-Bud Permanent D-10, NV400 in Rick Johnson cabs, NV112, '73 Vibrosonic in Rick Johnson cabs, Hilton pedal, Steeler's Choice seat, Bessdang Gizmos from Dale Hansen, and a few other widgets and doodads.
I may not sound good, I just don't wanna sound bad.
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Curtis Alford


BastropTexas, USA 78602
Post  Posted 21 Sep 2010 6:20 pm     Baffel change
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I did this 15" speaker thing, as well as some other changes. I t is a tight fit and will set off to one side and feel different trying to carry it, heavy on one end. Be sure not to try installing the speaker with any tube in it , won't happen with out getting at least one tube.
It really is a better sound( to me) with both the steel and the six string. More like blackface.
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Chuck Snider R.I.P.

West Virginia, USA - Morgantown, WV
Post  Posted 21 Sep 2010 8:21 pm    
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Tonight I pulled out the existing baffle. Wasn't difficult.

Tony, you were correct advising removal of the amp and reverb tank. I removed the screws from the sides, then with the two top screws still in place, laid the amp over on the left side (viewed from the rear). Doing that puts the transformers down and made it a bit easier to handle after I removed the two top screws. Ive used that approach with my Vibrosonic, NV400, and NV112. Much easier to handle that way and avoid dropping it. Also makes it much easier reinstalling it back into the cab.

I have a JBL D130F 8ohm speaker I'll load into the cabinet. I hope to position the speaker a little off center, away from the transformers. Hopefully that will help balance it a bit, as mentioned by Curtis, that it is off balance. I do have a Kappalite speaker I could use, but since this amp is rated at 60 watts, I would prefer using the Kappalite in the higher wattage NV400. We'll se after I do this, I may find the JBK adds too much weight back into the equation.

Hmmmm, maybe I need to consider getting Rick Johnson to make me a head cab for the DeVille, then I could mix and match speaker combinations. I'll have to give that some thought.

Thanks again!!!

GFI U-12 Ultra Keyless, Carter Black U-12, both with Alumitones, and a sweet '70 Sho-Bud Permanent D-10, NV400 in Rick Johnson cabs, NV112, '73 Vibrosonic in Rick Johnson cabs, Hilton pedal, Steeler's Choice seat, Bessdang Gizmos from Dale Hansen, and a few other widgets and doodads.
I may not sound good, I just don't wanna sound bad.
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Post  Posted 24 Sep 2010 4:47 pm    
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Chuck, I did the same thing with my Fender Hot Rod DeVille 2x12". I had Mojo Parts make me a baffle with original Fender grillcloth and it too houses a JBL D130F. I use it mostly for 'Tele but it has a great sound and I never regretted modifying it. I bet you'll enjoy it alot. Very Happy
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Chuck Snider R.I.P.

West Virginia, USA - Morgantown, WV
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2010 6:08 pm    
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Scott, thank sfor the info. I tried it out, plugging a 15" speaker ext cab I had brought with me, and it sounded pretty good. I just got done cutting the baffle this evening. As it turns out, Mojo is sponsoring a big guitar show here in Raleigh. Me and a buddy are going to it and I'll see if I can't pick up some grill cloth from them there. I used 1/2" cabinet grade birch plywood for the baffle. I may have to shave a little off once I add grill cloth to it. It is a very tight fit on the sides. But, I think it's gonna sound pretty good once I'm finished. Will be trying it at a gig on Sunday afternoon.

GFI U-12 Ultra Keyless, Carter Black U-12, both with Alumitones, and a sweet '70 Sho-Bud Permanent D-10, NV400 in Rick Johnson cabs, NV112, '73 Vibrosonic in Rick Johnson cabs, Hilton pedal, Steeler's Choice seat, Bessdang Gizmos from Dale Hansen, and a few other widgets and doodads.
I may not sound good, I just don't wanna sound bad.
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