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Author Topic:  Gifts From Strangers
Paul Sutherland


Placerville, California
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2010 1:26 pm    
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I played a little farmers market gig this morning. My pay was $7 (my share of the tip jar) and a bunch of melons, tomatoes, cookies, etc. It was an appreciative audience and a fun gig. (The band was the Star Dust Cowboys, a western swing and cowboy music band from Foresthill, CA.)

As I started to pack my gear an elderly lady approached me. She said she used to play the Hawaiian steel guitar and began describing the steel she bought in 1941. She then said she wasn't trying to sell it or anything, but she wanted me to have it. I was somewhat speechless.

We talked some more until I became convinced she was sincere, and she knew exactly what she was doing. She simply wanted someone to have the steel who could actually use it, and she was delighted to hear the sound of the steel guitar when she arrived at the market. She repeatedly said she didn't want any money for the steel.

So I accepted her gracious offer and, of course, I thanked her profusely. She will get the steel out of storage and meet me on this coming Monday to deliver the steel. She didn't remember the brand, just that it is a six string lap steel that is missing a knob to two, and it could use new strings. I'll try to post pictures next week.

I have been thinking for some time that playing the steel guitar is really something special. These events convince me that I am not totally nuts.
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Luke Morell


Ramsey Illinois, USA Hometown of Tex Williams
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2010 2:06 pm    
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It's nice to be appreciated!!! Very Happy
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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2010 2:16 pm    
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One I've always felt good about:

About 98 the old guy I worked for came out and saw me at the local truck stop.

His wife had passed away, and I heard she played "banjo".

Don had me come over to the house and told me had something for me he thought I'd appreciate. He knew I played "banjo".

He proceeded to pull out an Old Martin 4 String Banjo. Said his wife bought it from Mickey Finn in the 60s.

I knew about what it was worth, and told him to leave it for the grandkids cause it was worth more than a few thousand bucks.

Always felt good about that one.


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