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Post new topic Is a Jim Dunlop High Gain VP any good for steel?
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Author Topic:  Is a Jim Dunlop High Gain VP any good for steel?
Benjamin Wolfram


Victoria, Australia
Post  Posted 17 Sep 2010 10:08 pm    
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I've come across a Jim Dunlop High Gain VP fairly cheap from a friend who works for someone who deals in Dunlop stuff and I tried it out and it seems like it has a pretty good feel about it...from a total novice perspective that is.

Are they alright or would you guys say to really avoid them? I'm thinking they're just pedals with a pot in it so surely different pedals can't be that different?

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David Nugent


Gum Spring, Va.
Post  Posted 19 Sep 2010 2:22 am     Dunlop pedal
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Benjamin...I have used these in the past and they work fine but keep in mind that they are designed for use with six string guitar, not steel. The only problem I experienced was that the pedal works with a nylon ratcheting system rather than a string and after continued use the teeth on the ratchet wear causing the gear to begin to slip. That will result in the pedal not working properly and the need to occasionally realign the ratchet with the gear. Also, the HiGain uses a 250K pot and most players prefer the 500K unit for steel, but replacing the original pot when it eventually wears out should be fairly easy.
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Benjamin Wolfram


Victoria, Australia
Post  Posted 19 Sep 2010 12:00 pm    
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Hmm well it sounds like it might be okay just to start with at least...we're not exactly spoilt for choice here in Australia when it comes to volume pedals Wink
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