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Bill Howard


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 15 Sep 2010 7:04 pm    
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This post was about nothing EXCEPT Guy putting links on the Forum for E Bay nothing more, I saw this a cpl weeks ago then last night a guy had done it again I just wanted everyone AWARE if you advertise for E bay and a forum Member BUYS Rules state you PAY for Advertising for E BAY EVEN if it is NOT your ITEM,THis person was not aware he removed his post and thanked me I thot others should know

Last edited by Bill Howard on 16 Sep 2010 8:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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L. M. English


Augusta, GA, USA
Post  Posted 15 Sep 2010 10:26 pm     advertising ebay
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If something is posted on the FORUM, I have always found it to be just as stated. Also I trust anything or moreover anybody that is a forum member. If a gut is a steel player, as a rule he is disciplined in all respect. There's just something that's different in his demeaner. That' all I got to say about that. L.M.
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John McClung

Olympia WA, USA
Post  Posted 16 Sep 2010 1:39 am    
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I haven't had any problems myself with forum member purchases, but a friend of mine has been disappointed several times in either the goods not being as minty and clean as claimed, or the packaging for shipping being slipshod and causing damage to steels or other merchandise when shipped, via UPS, USPS and FedEx. Remedying that is always a major headache and time-waste.

Lesson learned: he demands more pictures than the typical few you see posted (the angle not shown is the angle that invariably would show a flaw not revealed in ad copy), and insists on super strong packing.

We still think buying from someone local where you can see and test drive the item is your best bet.

I've bought small items with no problem. The big guitars and amps are where potential trouble is greatest.
▪️ If you want to have an ongoing discussion, please email me, don't use the Forum messaging which I detest! steelguitarlessons@earthlink.net
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Joey Ace

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 16 Sep 2010 3:25 am    
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Do not blindly trust anyone because they are a Forum Member. I've never had a bad experience here, but it can, and does, happen.

Scammers target places where there is trust.
Before they are found out, damage can be done.

The Reso Community was hit big time a few years ago.

Trust, but verify.
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Ben Jones

Seattle, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 16 Sep 2010 3:32 am    
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Good group here, but we have seen a few bad apples no? with 10,000 users you are bound to get your occasional Calvin, Steenwijck or The Dart.

I agree its far better than ebay...but I just wanna warn newbs to be careful. Its not a GUARANTEE that a forum member is a trustworthy and honest person. Its VERY VERY likely they are, far more so than any other place online I can think of, but not certain anymore. Thats a shame but thats life I guess.

Great forum and great people, just felt it had to be said its not an absolute. be careful.
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David Kellogg


Tualatin, OR
Post  Posted 16 Sep 2010 6:41 am     Ebay
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This topic will surely be moved but I will leave my comments. There is always an amount of risk where ever you purchase a steel or guitar on the internet. I post many a guitar here and on Ebay as well as accessories. In marketing an item I want more faces in front of it. I also have made great buys on Ebay as well as sales. The auction format usually brings more money. I sold a guitar on Ebay earlier this sommer on Ebay and a forum member bought it, although a new one still a member. The guitar needed some minor mechanical work when the buyer got it which I stated it was in perfect playing condition. I wanted him to be happy no matter what the cost and he had it fixed but then still wanted to return it because he found another guitar he wanted instead. I took it back and he covered the shipping and the repair bill. Relisted the guitar on Ebay 3 weeks ago and it sold for $2850, $400 more than he paid and it was just a Emmons P/P conversion by Duane Marrs. I have never been burned on a guitar on Ebay as I get all the info I need before I pull the trigger and I have never been burned here either. What I have found is that pedal steel people no matter where, Ebay, Craigslist or here are pretty dang honest.
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Jim Parker

Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 16 Sep 2010 8:01 am     Burned once
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I was burned on eBay once, although it may have been a blessing in disguise. I was bidding on a guitar, was the highest bidder with maybe a day to go, when the seller just closed the auction. It was advertised here for a while, although I don't think he's an active member.

It's against eBay's general policy to list in two places at once and then cancel the auction if there are bids on the item and the reserve has been met. I complained to the seller and to eBay, but nothing came of it. It's my feeling that if it goes on eBay, the seller should let the auction run its course. It's not really ethical to run an auction and then simply close it down cause you got a better price elsewhere.

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David Kellogg


Tualatin, OR
Post  Posted 16 Sep 2010 10:49 am     dissagree
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You really didn't get burned Jim, you were just high bidder at the time it was closed and you suffer no loss at all financially. Everyone knows all the real action happens the last 2 minutes of an auction. Any auction can be closed 24 hours prior to an auction ending on Ebay for a number of reasons and one of them being "Item is no longer Available" meaning it was sold somewhere else probably. One thing about auction no matter where or what kind, live or online, someone is ALWAYS protecting their interest and that someone is the owner of the item. The classic is buying cars on Ebay from dealers, you will never be high bidder when the auction closes on a no reserve vehicle. When the auction is over you will get a second chance offer from the seller if they like the amount you bid because you were 2nd next to his shill. That way they get to find out how high your bid actually was.
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Jim Parker

Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 16 Sep 2010 12:10 pm    
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Yeah, maybe "burned" was the wrong word to use.
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