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Author Topic:  You Tube video download occasional failures; Why?
Mitch Drumm


Frostbite Falls, hard by Veronica Lake
Post  Posted 17 Aug 2010 9:42 pm    
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Over the years, I have downloaded hundreds of You Tube videos, usually without any problem.

Maybe 10% of the time, I cannot download the file and get an error something like "can't find file to download". The download never even starts--regardless of any setting changes I might make in the save dialog.

Why does this happen and is there a solution?

The URL I enter in my download application is copied and pasted directly from You Tube.

I am currently using Windows 7, but saw the problem on other Windows versions.

I am currently using Youtube Downloader HD to do the job, but noticed the problem with other applications.

Is this a problem on my end?

Or something going on at Youtube beyond my control?

Can a person uploading a video to Youtube do something that would prevent anyone from downloading the video?

Any insight appreciated.
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Cal Sharp

the farm in Kornfield Kounty, TN
Post  Posted 18 Aug 2010 2:38 pm    
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Per YouTube help, there's no way for someone to make their videos undownloadable. My guess is that YT is blocking the functionality of some download apps, testing and trying to find a way to charge for downloads. I'd try some different apps, like with the same video. Might be interesting.
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Mitch Drumm


Frostbite Falls, hard by Veronica Lake
Post  Posted 19 Aug 2010 2:56 am    
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I've done a little more checking.

It appears Youtube is regularly diddling its site and that diddling can render certain downloader apps NG. I am guessing that is what's behind my problem.

Not sure why Youtube may be doing that--you could be correct about the getting paid motive--I don't know.

As of this moment, my existing downloader app "Youtube Downloader HD" fails 100% of the time.

I found all kinds of comments that someone's favorite downloader no longer works. Youtube apparently did a site overhaul just in the last 2 or 3 weeks. I assume that is why I am currently hosed and must either get a new app or hope for an upgrade to the one I use now.

I've also found a few FLV files I had on my hard drive that no longer play. Most do, a few don't. Not sure why that is.
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John Swain

Winchester, Va
Post  Posted 20 Aug 2010 1:01 pm    
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I've been using YouTube Downloader HD for the past year or more. Usually when it fails it means YouTube has changed, but there's always an update at YTD HD site....currently on Version 2.1.4....The other time I've had trouble is when the link is 3rd hand.
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