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Post new topic Anybody ever play in "The Octagon"
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Author Topic:  Anybody ever play in "The Octagon"
Colm Chomicky

Kansas, (Prairie Village)
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2010 10:10 am    
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We played a benefit last night which was held at a Martial Arts center in Clinton, Missouri. The stage was inside the "Octagon" AKA "Cage of Honor", "Octagon of Doom".

This was a new experience, the floor is padded and has somewhat of a slight spring to it. The floor is designed to take full body slams. So I was rather curious to see how my steel would handle, given the legs sink ever so slightly into the padded floor. Here is what I learned:

1) The steel wobbles and there is also a springing sensation; but, once I started playing I did not notice any more. At first I thought the pedals were going to bottom out into softness, but there was enough clearance.

2) Your seat wobbles and a slight sensation of being on a diving board, but again, once I started playing I had no perception of this happening any more. Its not like you are trying to play on a waterbed.

3) The cage sections can be removed. You have the choice of removing the cage sections that face the crowd, or if you prefer you can leave that crowd side up and remove a back section for a quick escape. We faced the crowd head on! The octagon really is a very versatile stage.

4) If the lead singer is a big ol boy (and he is), heed his signals and play accordly, otherwise -- this can result in a body slam!

5) I survived the Octagon, for which I am very proud!

This is an octagon:

This is your steel on octagon:

Any Questions?
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Joey Ace

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2010 3:48 pm    
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Thanks for the pix Colm !

I'm a MMA fan but never considered it could be used for a stage. Sorta a Hi-Tech Chicken Wire Stage.

I played the most beautiful stage (view) this weekend.
I posted about it in the Stories section.

Gotta get me one of them Octagons! Smile
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Bill Ford

Graniteville SC Aiken
Post  Posted 2 Jul 2010 10:35 am    
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Ideal stage/bandstand for a redneck, dirt floor "honky tonk"!!!!!!
Bill Ford S12 CLR, S12 Lamar keyless, Misc amps&toys Sharp Covers
Steeling for Jesus now!!!
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Billy Tonnesen


R.I.P., Buena Park, California
Post  Posted 2 Jul 2010 1:12 pm    
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Back in the 40's there was a Sunday Afternoon battle of the Bands at the Olyimpic Auditorium in Downtown Los Angeles. This was an Auditorium for Boxing and the Bands set up and played from the Center Ring.
I was just a spectator and was not with a Band yet.
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