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Author Topic:  hot gig on saturday
John Rosett

Missoula, MT
Post  Posted 7 Aug 2005 4:07 pm    
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it's fire season here in western montana, and there's been a major fire burning right on the freeway west of missoula from frenchtown to tarkio. we had a wedding gig in tarkio yesterday, and they opened I-90 about half an hour before we left. there was a stretch of about 20 miles where the fire burned right up to the side of the road, and there were still quite a few smoldering hot spots and a few small fires. i took some pictures from the van, and they're at http://groups.msn.com/rosettpics/shoebox.msnw the fire pics are on pages 3 and 4. the gig went well, although it was pretty smokey, and the singers were hoarse after the show.
on the way home after dark, it looked like a huge bed of coals next to the highway, and we saw several trees explode in flames. it was very erie looking.
just another day pickin' in paradise...
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