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Author Topic:  A basic set-up question!
Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2010 6:56 pm    
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My newly-acquired Derby D-10 is lovely but there's a problem - the LKL won't lower the fourth string to a D# (Day set-up, of course); it almost will but not quite.

Which is the correct slot in both the changer and the bell-crank for this pull, please? I've wound it as far as it wants to go and it's affecting the string's tuning.

I know this is PSG '101' for most of you but I'm clueless!
Roger Rettig: Emmons D10, B-bender Teles, Martins, and a Gibson Super 400!
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Bobby Boggs


Upstate SC.
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2010 7:25 pm    
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Roger,some folks will use the split tuner for a stop. More body contact. Make sure it's backed off enough. If it is? Check and make sure neither of the raise rods for string 4 are holding you off. They need just a little slack when the string is lowered. If that's not your problem. Just raise (further from the bottom of the guitar) the 4th string lower rod one notch.(Hole) in the bellcrank. That should do the trick.

Also, if the travel for that knee doesn't already feel to long for comfort. You could increase the travel for the knee lever just a tad. If you've switched it from raising the E's to lowering them. That's your problem. It takes a little more travel to lower the E's than raise them. At least most guitars are set-up that way for comfort.

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Dick Sexton

Greenville, Ohio
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2010 8:46 pm     E's not lowering enough?
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Roger, everything that Bobby said. I always pull the lower finger on the changer, to make sure it is or is not in the changer. If you can pull the lower finger of the changer with your finger and it will go down to your note, it is not in the changer. If it will not go to your note the problem is in the changer. Mostly I've found the "Split Allen Adjust Screw" not backed out enough. Bobby hit the nail on the head about the other things to look at.

I'll bet it a beauty, mine is...
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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2010 7:49 am    
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Thanks, you guys - it has just been switched from 'Emmons' to 'Day' at my request so the advice makes good sense.

It's not in front of me right now but I'll have a close look tomorrow. Your help - as always - is much appreciated!
Roger Rettig: Emmons D10, B-bender Teles, Martins, and a Gibson Super 400!
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