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Author Topic:  StroboFlip vs StroboSoft ?
David Hartley


Post  Posted 12 May 2010 1:35 pm    
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I didn't know quite where to put this thread but whether it gets moved by b0b or not, I hope someone from peterson tuners or someone else can help me here.... I just bought Peterson StroboSoft for my iMac. It has the E9th and C6th presets including the Newman which I always use on the Flip. Now... My question is, or rather, my observation is, that open Newman tuning is absolutely SPOT ON but when adding a pedal (as you have to on the SOFTWARE version), if you add the Newman sweetner to the A pedal, B pedal etc...THEY ARE MILES OUT. I am gradually rectifying by programming my own by reading tunings from FLIP and inputting them to SOFT..... The QUESTION IS ...why are these raises/pedals SO FAR OUT on the SOFTWARE version?????? . ALSO, the strobe is so STABLE and doesn't QUIVER ABOUT on the software version compared to the FLIP... WHY IS THIS THE CASE ??? I am eagerly awaiting reply please from someone, AND you can import and export personalised presets, so if anyone has their version of the pedals/knees it would save me a lot of time, otherwise I will make my own PRESET available after I have sussed it all out....

Regards everyone..David.

PS..I really don't know why I used CAPITALS every now and then in that posting.. Very Happy
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