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Author Topic:  Another great p/p "tuneup" by Billy Knowles
Walter Bowden

Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 1 May 2010 8:04 am    
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I took my 79 Emmons S10 up to Billy Knowles shop in Kenansville, NC yesterday afternoon for a good going over by a great guy and great steel guitar mechanic. I wanted to see if he could shorten the C pedal travel a wee bit and give it a good look over for other subtle improvements.
The guitar played very good in my completely amateur opinion before and I wasn't sure if further "tweaking" was necessary. But since Billy did his magic it plays even better with smoother pedal action, all strings pulling/pushing at the same time with no slack or "partial" feel to the pedals and making more "clicks" than an Alaskan well digger's teeth in January.
If baseball is a game of "inches" then steel guitar adjustments must be game of 8th and 16th inches and Billy knows the game well!
I am thinking of adding a RKL and he gave me some good suggestions on what strings/changes could be done with this lever and has the kits at his shop to do it when I get to that point.
And by the way, I saw a black ZB Custom Billy is restoring/improving and some fellow from Norway is going to be a very happy camper when all is said and done IMHO. Thanks Billy. I know I'll be seeing you soon for that lever.
Emmons S10, p/p, Nashville 112, Zion 50 tele style guitar, Gibson LP Classic w/Vox AC30, Fender Deluxe De Ville and a Rawdon-Hall classical
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