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Archie Nicol R.I.P.

Ayrshire, Scotland
Post  Posted 27 Apr 2005 3:00 pm    
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Ah, that book, what can I say, except THANKS.
Cheers, Arch.
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Reece Anderson


Keller Texas USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 28 Apr 2005 11:35 am    
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Winnie....your book "Anthology Of Steel Guitar" has had a profound positive impact on the world, which when combined with you as a person, and your playing ability, assures your rightful place in steel guitar history.

Again may I tell you it was very kind and thoughtful of you to express your concern about me this past January by taking the time to write.

I'm sure you know I respect you and your beliefs and rights of privacy, and knowing you as I do, I know you also respect mine.

Having said that, I want you to know I believe in God, and you will continue to be on my prayer list.

Updates would be appreciated by many of us who truly care.
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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 28 Apr 2005 11:39 am    
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Lets not forget his bluegrass career ,
which is up there with the best.

The band was Frank Wakefield on mandolin and vocals, David Grisman on guitar, Fred Weisz on Bass, me on banjo, and Chubby Wise on fiddle.

I met Bill Monroe, but Winnie done played with him.

Winnie, you done a lot of great things,
several most nobody ever gets to do.
It's been a fine run my friend.
So many things to look back on, and smile.

[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 29 April 2005 at 11:35 PM.]

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Pete Ballard


Detroit, MI, USA
Post  Posted 28 Apr 2005 3:25 pm    
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For those of you who have not yet visited Winnie's website, I strongly urge that you do so (thanks Jim for posting the link). I just spent the last 2 hours reading some of the most intersting articles I've read in a long time. Pedal steel, homeopathy, industrial design. My head is spinning. Definitely read the story about Jimmy Day. It's a very well written tribute about their friendship, Day's struggles with pills and alcohol, their mutual fondness for cannabis, and lost of other things. It just might make you want to smoke a j in their honor (that is if you're into that kind of thing).

Thanks Winnie, and best wishes.
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Geoff Cole


Marrara N.T. Australia
Post  Posted 28 Apr 2005 4:02 pm    
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I met Winnie a few years ago at the Brisbane Steel Guitar Convention. His playing just blew me away. WOW.Such taste and complexities were unbelievable.
I had a meal with Winnie later and was immediately taken aback by his friendliness and so completely humble.I honestly don't think Winnie knows just how good he is. I think he is the most underrated player in the world and I told him so. His willingness to share his knowledge with me, a nobody, was something I shall treasure all my life.
Winnie you are a Giant not only in the steel guitar world but as a wonderfull human being. Thank you and keep well mate.
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Michael Johnstone

Sylmar,Ca. USA
Post  Posted 29 Apr 2005 5:57 pm    
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One of the most articulate people I've ever come into personal contact with.
An educator,scholar,musician,artisan and may I say - a friend. Your accomplishments have been outstanding and you've made a real difference in the lives of others Winnie - more than you'll ever know - and done so with much humility. There are very few of us about whom that can be said. You are one of a kind. Keep up the fight.I wish you well.
-Mike Johnstone-
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Ricky Littleton

Steely-Eyed Missile Man from Cocoa Beach, Florida USA
Post  Posted 29 Apr 2005 6:53 pm    
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I second all the sentiments here! So many of us all started with only a Maverick and Winnie's book.

Those two together should be called the "Pedal Steel Apprentice Tool Kit"...


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Michael Weaver


Buffalo Grove, IL
Post  Posted 30 Apr 2005 12:19 am    
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I wish you well, my dear friend. We reconnected purely by accident recently when I did a search for you on the internet and found your website. I truly do treasure the few times that you and I were together. My fondest memory is the time that you were putting the book together, and I asked if you were putting anything in on the C6th neck. You told me that you could not think of any song to put in because of copyright issues. And I suggested adding Danny Boy and calling it Londonderry Air to avoid any such issues. You will be in my prayers, my friend. May God look after you.
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sullivan mo u.s.a.
Post  Posted 30 Apr 2005 4:41 am    
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I got my 1st steel guitar in 1978 from Scotty, he said I would need Winnie's book so I gotit, I just would have been lost with out it, I still have it Thanks Winnie
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Dale Bessant

Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Post  Posted 30 Apr 2005 8:07 am    
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It has been a constance source of knowledge, one of the best investments I have made,thx Winnie......
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Rob Hamilton

Acton, MA, USA
Post  Posted 30 Apr 2005 6:53 pm    
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Five years of playing and your book has been my #1 resource the entire time. I have also thoroughly enjoyed reading on your website about your many and varied experiences. Wishing you all the best.

Rob Hamilton
Concord, MA, USA
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Delbert Aldredge


Willis, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 1 May 2005 6:21 am    
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Dear Winnie:
Sorry, but I never heard of you until I became a member of bOb lee's forum. Considering the number of folks who have posted acknowledgements in honor of your work has prompted me to order a copy of your book.
I grew up in an area of deep east TX. I've been trying to play the steel for "40" years.
There was no training material available and those that knew a little would not show or tell.

I've found very little written material about my hero "Weldon Myrick" other than the little ditty that he and Hal Rugg produced called "the amazing 1 pedal two finger 3 string" etc;. But now I understand "you" have included Weldon in your book of styles. I shall order this book immediately, and thanks very much for exposing all the self taught musicians such as I to the world of styles and sounds of the "Steel Guitar"!!!


[This message was edited by Delbert Aldredge on 01 May 2005 at 01:02 PM.]

[This message was edited by Delbert Aldredge on 02 May 2005 at 05:21 AM.]

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Bob Hoffnar

Austin, Tx
Post  Posted 1 May 2005 8:54 am    
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Thanks for writting such a lifesaver of a book. I still use it regularly. Also when I was starting out you didn't seem to mind answering a bunch of my ignorant questions. It meant allot to me.

thanks so much, Bob
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Richard Nelson

Drogheda, Louth, Ireland
Post  Posted 1 May 2005 8:45 pm    
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When I played in Christchurch with Daniel O' Donnell about 1994 somebody said to me--- there is some guy out front wants to meet you, his name is Winnie Winstson , I couldn't believe it, I nearly ran, wow !!!! The guy who wrote the book that has everything in it. I must apologise Winnie as Johnie Staunton our guitar player was there and he was rattling on a bit and I really wanted to talk to Winnie alone . Well as some of you know I can be very direct, and I was . So I hope nobody took offence. The next year we were there , I called to the house and we talked and played a bit .It's amazing, I learnt everything from him in a book and then I get to meet him ? What a great guy , gentleman and schollar, in the truest sense of the word.Winnie . I am sorry to hear he is ill . Love and light to him.
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