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Author Topic:  Fender Deluxe '53
Jaco de Jong


Post  Posted 13 Mar 2010 2:34 am    
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New member here after lurking some time. Quite a lot of info to absorbe here... Smile
I am totally new to the steel world, i always wanted one, not to play like them counry-guys because that is way out of my league but more in a blues-way, David Gilmour plays a nice unconventional slide. I like that, i never fancied the tube on my finger...

Anyway, i am in the market for a '53 Fender Deluxe:

Now my questions:
-What can i expect from a guitar like this, sound-wise?
-What about the pickup (which is original)
-Is there some more history to be found on the web, any pointers?
-Which is the best way to play these guitars? I read alot about the different tunings and i am very intrigued by those.
-I have a Stevens-bar, is that a bar to be used with these guitars?

The price is €900,- which is pretty steep but i buy guitars for keeps. This one comes with case btw. I've been looking on Ebay for some time but i rarely see these models.

I hope someone here can shed some light on my questions.

Thanks in advance!
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Eric Philippsen

Central Florida USA
Post  Posted 13 Mar 2010 3:43 am    
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Welcome to the world of steel guitar players. You ask a lot of good questions about the Fender. Permit me to give an opinion about the price of it.

As you mention, 900 Euro for that Fender is very high, even given that it is a 53'. Yes, it is in good shape and, yes, I'm guessing that they are relatively few and far between on the continent. However, the cost of the 6-string Deluxe is not that far off from some multi-neck, 8-string Stringmasters, which are much, much more desirable and versatile. (My opinion, of course) Patience coupled with steady searching on all the sites will get you one of those.

However, all that being said, I have both models and there are times I pull out the Deluxe and play it. Sometimes, after playing 10-string pedal steels and 8-string guitars, it's relaxing and fun to play their little-brother 6-strings.
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 14 Mar 2010 1:35 pm    
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900 Euro is approx $1200 US, it's a tad high but I do not feel by much if the guitar is in very nice original shape and the case is also in very nice shape. As mentioned , price has a lot to do with availability and condition.

Compared to the new re-issue lap steels that Fender just issued..uhh..there is no comparison and they sell for around $400.

What can you expect ? Very nice classic brilliant tone and an Instrument that is now 53 years old. A piece of history.

I own a 52' in mint condition and love it. I wish I played it more !
Emmons L-II , Fender Telecasters, B-Benders , Eastman Mandolin ,
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James Kerr


Scotland, UK
Post  Posted 14 Mar 2010 2:21 pm    
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Here is fellow Forum member playing The Blues.


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Brad Bechtel

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 14 Mar 2010 7:38 pm    
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Yeah, but that's not a Fender Deluxe 8, James. Smile

-What can i expect from a guitar like this, sound-wise?

A clear, bell-like tone.

-What about the pickup (which is original)

It's a bit hard to play with your hand next to the pickup because of the trapezoid shape, but not impossible. Moving your hand away from the pickup sounds great.

-Is there some more history to be found on the web, any pointers?

There's a tiny bit on my web site (link below). Most of what you'll find here is most of what's out there.

-Which is the best way to play these guitars? I read alot about the different tunings and i am very intrigued by those.

I set it in my lap and use a steel bar. Smile As far as tunings go, I'm currently using C6th:

1. E
2. C
3. A
4. G
5. E
6. C
7. A
8. G

-I have a Stevens-bar, is that a bar to be used with these guitars?

It's certainly valid, but I prefer the sound and feel of a bullet bar.
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Jaco de Jong


Post  Posted 15 Mar 2010 10:23 am    
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Thank you for all your answers/help/links! That sure is helpful for me.

I do agree that €900,- is a lot of money but look at it the other way: when i would "win" one from the bay i'd be paying about the same amount or more with tax/import duty/shipping... besides, this is the second (2nd) lapsteel i run into on the continent here in about 9 months! So they're scarce.
And indeed, that little part of owning a piece of history is very welcome, so i think i'm gonna take the plunge here.

The bullet-bar is something i'm gonna look at and see if i can find one here. I wonder how that will affect sound on my regular guitar.
Thank you Brad, for the pointers on the tuning, your site and your sense of humor, definately a Duh-moment... Wink

Thanks again for your replies, a BIG help!
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