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Author Topic:  Setting up a U-12 to sell
Scott Howard

Georgetown, TN, USA
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2010 4:05 am    
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I am thinking of selling one of my MSA guitars . It has all the rods out of it and I figure a U-12 would be the best way to go back with it. I will be looking through my stuff in the next few days to see how much of what I have But 7 pedals and 4 or 5 knees shouldn't be a problem . The vertical is not factory and It will have a new pad for the back neck.

Would it be best to list it as will setup to suit or with so many pedals ,so many knees and so many pulls or put something like the Newman universal tuning on it and the list it that way. Another option would be to sell it apart and the buyer set it up .

It never fails that the buyer always wants some change to the set up.
"The Oddball" A MSA Keyless with pedals to the right.
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Will Aytes


Bartow, Florida, USA
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2010 5:23 am     U-12 set-up
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Just a thought. If I were to set up an older MSA as a Universal, I think it would be an Emmons set up but with the D knee lever on the RKR. If I remember correctly your guitar has the round cross shafts and you have to remove them to make changes, which is time comsuming at best. Emmons set up on the pedals/just advertise it set up to buyers specs within reason with 7/4 or 5 knees. If you look at the links button on the top you can take that and look at some of the different set ups that folks use. Everyone it seems is just a little different. By the way, is it a triple raise/double lower?? Let me know if I can be of any assistance

Hope this helps

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Scott Howard

Georgetown, TN, USA
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2010 5:32 am    
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Thanks Will

I already have all the crossrods out and have no problems setting it back up however anyone would want it. It is a older Classic that is a double raise/lower but that is easy to work around with the things like Tom Bradshaw makes . I have enough of them to convert the needed strings to triple raise for a standard universal tuning. With them you tune it all at the endplate like normal .

As you say everyone wants something a little different and thats what I am getting at. I know if I spend time setting it up and tuning it the buyer will want some pulls different.
"The Oddball" A MSA Keyless with pedals to the right.
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Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2010 12:01 pm    
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Why not leave it as is for now, and offer to set it up for the buyer as part of the deal?
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Scott Howard

Georgetown, TN, USA
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2010 12:32 pm    
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That is what I am leaning towards . X many Pedals , X many knees , X many pulls and then let them tell me how they want it. And even a discount if they want to set it up.
"The Oddball" A MSA Keyless with pedals to the right.
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Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2010 12:38 pm    
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Scott, why don't you post a picture of it and what the price you're considering might be........JH in Va.
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Scott Howard

Georgetown, TN, USA
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2010 12:45 pm    
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Just as soon as I can get it out and get some pics I will post them and list it here first .

I am down in my back so I have to get someone to help me with it. It is a White Tidewood mid 70's
D-12 with the back neck removed but I am not sure how many knees I have for it until I go through my parts. I have a pad but was going to make a new one or recover the other one.

As it is , I am open to offers .
"The Oddball" A MSA Keyless with pedals to the right.
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Scott Howard

Georgetown, TN, USA
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2010 1:14 pm    
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pad is just sitting on the back

"The Oddball" A MSA Keyless with pedals to the right.
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Scott Howard

Georgetown, TN, USA
Post  Posted 8 Mar 2010 1:36 pm    
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Thanks guys. Sold .
"The Oddball" A MSA Keyless with pedals to the right.
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