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Author Topic:  HELP with Bigsby instal
BJ Jenkins


Dunn,North Carolina
Post  Posted 10 Jan 2010 5:01 pm    
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Hi Guys and Ladies !!
Can ANYONE help me with installing a Bigsby on my 1996 Epiphone LesPaul ?If I can get the instructions, what model Bigsby and any other info.....I will appreciate it !
BJ Jenkins
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Larry Miller


Dothan AL,USA
Post  Posted 11 Jan 2010 11:27 am    
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Not a Les Paul, but it would be the same:

Then there is the Stesbar

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Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 11 Jan 2010 1:46 pm    
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BJ, if your Paul is a stud tailpiece guitar which most of them are, you'll have to install a new ground wire as the stock grounding wire goes to the tailpiece. What you can do is lay the Bigsby on the guitar and go ahead and drill the screw hole which would be right under the round part where the spring goes. You can then use that hole for a marker. Take a small drill bit and go just 1/8" or a hair more away from that hole towards the bottom of the guitar and drill another hole at an angle right into the control cavity. Then you just get a small wire and push it through the hole with the copper or steel part laying on the face of the guitar so it'll be covered by the Bigsby and touching it when it's installed. You'll take the other end inside the control cavity and solder it to one of the ground wires, probably the input jack would be best. Then you'll be ready to go.....I've done a couple of my Les Pauls that way but I don't have a shot of them. Here's a shot of my Epiphone Sheraton on which I installed the ground wire. I then cut a couple of pieces from some Fender guitar picks and cut them in circles to glue over the holes where the stud bolts used to be........JH in Va.

Don't matter who's in Austin (or anywhere else) Ralph Mooney is still the king!!!
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BJ Jenkins


Dunn,North Carolina
Post  Posted 11 Jan 2010 7:50 pm     Bigsby instal
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You have been a big help.
BJ Jenkins
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