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Rick Campbell

Sneedville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 8 Dec 2009 3:33 pm    
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There was a show on RFD a year or so ago, that's no longer there. I can't remember the name of it. It had an MC, lots or pretty girls, and several singers. They did a little of everything. They had a guy that did a lot of fancy dancing. The steel player wore a Garth Brooks type microphone, but I never did hear him sing anything. Does anyone remember what the name of this show was? A friend asked me about it but I can't remember and it's bugging me. Confused
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Nick Reed

Russellville, KY USA
Post  Posted 8 Dec 2009 8:16 pm    
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Was it the Johnnie High Country Music Revue Show. . . .The Steel player was Reece Anderson playing a black MSA Studio Pro.

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Rick Campbell

Sneedville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 9 Dec 2009 6:38 am    
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Thanks Nick,

Yes that was the name of it. I wonder, why does Mr. Anderson wears that mic, if he never sings? I only watched parts of it a few times, maybe he sang when I wasn't looking.

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Sidney Malone


Buna, TX
Post  Posted 9 Dec 2009 7:31 am    
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Reece uses the mic to talk to the other band members & sound men. Reece is the band leader and pretty much calls a lot of the arrangements as they go. As I recall, the other band members have mics as well.

Awesome professional musicians!! It would be nice to work in a setup like they have!!!
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Rick Campbell

Sneedville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 9 Dec 2009 10:04 am    
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Sidney Malone wrote:
Reece uses the mic to talk to the other band members & sound men. Reece is the band leader and pretty much calls a lot of the arrangements as they go. As I recall, the other band members have mics as well.

Awesome professional musicians!! It would be nice to work in a setup like they have!!!

That makes sense. I guess..... if that's what works for them. Kind of like NASA. Laughing

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Jeff Agnew


Dallas, TX
Post  Posted 10 Dec 2009 5:29 am    
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Having worked that show for Reece more times than I can count, I can tell you it really is a tremendous bunch of pickers and great fun.

Everyone wears ear monitors and a microphone so the talkback system provides lots of advantages. Such as telling the person on the monitor board to tweak the mix in your ears, altering the arrangement on the spot when a singer does something stupid (like dropping a bridge or chorus), or when Johnnie throws a song at you that wasn't scheduled. And I've also been told (never happened to me Wink ) that occasionally a band member will make a comment about a pretty girl singer on stage.

There's not much rehearsal time allotted to each performer so sometimes you just try to get things close and trust the chart. Having a two-way comm system lets you adapt quickly when things go off the track and still present a professional-level experience to the folks in the audience. I wish my regular show had a comm system like it.

I think everyone but Reece wears the mike loosely around their collars, which is probably why he's the only one that looks like he has a mike.
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Rick Campbell

Sneedville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 10 Dec 2009 5:57 am    
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I saw them do City Lights one night and I think someone's battery must have went out or something, because it had a train wreck in the break on the fiddle and steel part. It sounded like the bass player just lost his place. Not that I've not done it a million times. In fact, I get bored when everything goes too smooth. They are good players.

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