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Steve English

Baja, Arizona
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2009 9:23 am    
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I don't like the cheesy open hats closing on the off beats.....don't like cymbals and crashes much either, especially in simple ballads when I'm trying to write. I can get by just fine with kick, rimshot, and simple closed hat in the verses, snare in the chorus.

So, I'm using C_Balad as a "style" for "Amarillo by Morning"....I go to the StyleMaker icon and select drums and delete all the patterns that contain obnoxious cymbals (A, B, drum fills, and endings), do a "save as" and rename to my liking. Hit play and I still hear this rude off-beat open hat the most ridiculous places. Go back to editing and can't find a pattern that has the hat in it! I've tried closing the program and re-opening the file and everything else I can think of....

Is there a way to visually monitor the drum patterns that are being played in each measure in order to locate the offending ones?

Note: I am using an old version (2004) of BiaB. I put this program away years ago because of the difficulty in editing the horrible drum patterns and now remember why I disliked this program before. I've used midi based sequencers and software since the mid eighties and don't ever remember dealing with pattern writing that was so unintuitive.

With the software in my day, I can remember writing a drum part, bass line, keyboard part, copying and pasting and be into song writing in 10 minutes......BiaB is more like 10 days for me!! Mad

Am I just becoming a crusty old man too? Laughing
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Richard Tipple

Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2009 9:51 am    
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I think BIAB has spent millions on thier software & then let a 10 year old write the instructions on how to use it Sad

I have the latest version of BIAB with all the bells & whistles, and when ever I need help with somthing, I usually visit thier online help site for the answers.
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Steve English

Baja, Arizona
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2009 10:09 am    
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Andy Sandoval's drum patterns (styles) are soothing my heart at the moment........

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Steve English

Baja, Arizona
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2009 10:58 am    
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Now I'm working on an ending to another song. Doing it exactly like Rick and Andy explained in a previous thread. The method worked perfect of two other songs that I put together this morning (E... F.)

At the end of the third song (which uses the same "style") the song just continues right through the ending like it's not even there.

Amazing Confused
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Andy Sandoval

Bakersfield, California, USA
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2009 12:27 pm    
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Steve, does the third song have more than one chorus? If so, you have to right click on any bar and choose "song settings" to set up a "tag". There's a little button with an "s" on it to the right of the song title box that'll get you there too, or Ctrl-N.
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Steve English

Baja, Arizona
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2009 1:03 pm    
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I don't use the chorus or repeats features yet. I just write out the song in "longhand".

I do the intro, then first verse, chorus, and then might cut and paste remaining verses and chorus'...then add the ending.

This particular song is "That's The Way Love Goes" and is: in, ver, ch, solos (2 ver patterns), chorus, out.....

Pretty simple. Confused
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Steve English

Baja, Arizona
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2009 2:05 pm    
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I'll be happy to send the file and drum style to you so you can see what I'm doing.

You'll have to PM me your email address so I can attach files.
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Rick Campbell

Sneedville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2009 4:04 pm    
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Real drums are better than midi drums for this. I don't know enough about playing drums to do the editing. I just know if it sounds right or not. Watch about the A vs. B substyles. A "A" will often give you a cheezy drum roll.

Yes, check the number of times the song will play through and make sure you uncheck "generate two bar ending" I'll be happy to take a look at it also, if you don't get it straightened out.

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Steve English

Baja, Arizona
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2009 6:00 pm    
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Rick Campbell nailed it!

His solution was for me to right click on the last hold chord and under "Song settings" check to "allow rests".

You guys are the best...the best I'm telling ya!

Extra special thanks to each and every one of you!


I'm sure I'll be encountering more problems in the upcoming weeks..... Oh Well
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