Jim Palenscar
From: Oceanside, Calif, USA
Posted 25 Oct 2009 9:08 am
Actually there is not much to it Bill. Simply remove the screws from the pedal bar through the legs, relocate them on the pedal bar about an inch further towards the middle (need to drill and tap the new 10/32(?) hole), get a couple of pieces of aluminum angle (roughly 1" x 1 1/2"-Home Depot?)- slot the long end about 1" to accomodate the 10/32 screw, put a spring and washer behind the screw, apply your new holding bracket, put a washer and wing nut on it and viola! I realize that not everyone has the capability to do this stuff and I'll be glad to help if necessary. Probably you should fill the old screw holes in the pedal bar with some 10/32 x1/8" screws with similar heads to make it look like it's supposed to (kinda). The cool thing about the way MSA did it was that the pedal bar never moved and you didn't need to worry about it slipping up (unlike the clamping variety) when you stepped on the pedal(s) if you had raised the guitar up a titch for some reason. |