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Author Topic:  New BIAB hard drive.
Louie Hallford


denison tx
Post  Posted 17 Sep 2009 6:28 pm    
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Just received new 2009.5 BIAB on an external hard drive. Plugged it in per directions (using a usb extension cord 4 outlets for connecting to computer)

nothing happening except I can hear light clicks-(about two per second) ,coming from new drive. computer shows no sign of recognizing it.

Instructions say computer should recognize it when I first turn it on.

Any body help me??
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Gary Baker


Charlotte, North Carolina
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2009 6:15 am     Re: New BIAB hard drive.
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louie hallford wrote:
Just received new 2009.5 BIAB on an external hard drive. Plugged it in per directions (using a usb extension cord 4 outlets for connecting to computer)

nothing happening except I can hear light clicks-(about two per second) ,coming from new drive. computer shows no sign of recognizing it.

Instructions say computer should recognize it when I first turn it on.

Any body help me??

How old is your PC? There are two versions of USB 1.0 and 2.0. I believe the drive you received will only recognize 2.0. All is not lost if that is the case. You should be able to purchase a USB 2.0 interface card for your PC for a few dollars if that is the case.

I'd go directly to pgmusic support (look in the help files on Main menu for a direct link. You can email, call or do a live "chat" on the same PC.

I purchased the hard drive version and it works on both my PCs. Could just be a bad drive but I doubt it.

Once thing you might try is to turn off the PC and the USB drive.

turn on the USB drive first. Then boot up the PC. After the initial boot you should see a message in the lower right corner of the screen that says "New USB device detected". Then is should self install and at that point you should see it listed a one of your active drives in explorer.

There are other places to go to see if it installed but, again; your best bet is to contact www.pgmusic.com.

Good luck. Bo
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Bob Martin

Madison Tn
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2009 11:45 pm    
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Any time you hear a hard drive clicking that is not a good sign. It usually means that the platters inside are damaged rendering the drive unusable. I would give PG Music a call and see what they say.

By thew way I'm not trying to discredit the advice already given to you but to me it just sounds like a bad drive. Good luck.

One more thing to try is plugging it into the computer directly bypassing the USB 4 port hub it's not advisable to plug a hard drive with a lot of info on it thru a multi port USB hub.

***Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow***
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 19 Sep 2009 2:19 am    
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It's not a USB 1.1 or 2.0 problem as USB 2.0 is backwards compatible with older USB versions.

Apparently you have a USB "hub" with four ports on it. Connect the drive directly to the PC, not through a USB "hub" and see if it works.

A comment on USB "hubs", if they are not the self powered type (have their own power supply) the USB port power from the PC may not be enough to "drive" USB connected devices.

What Operating System do you have? e.g. Windows XP, Vista, etc.
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Bo Legg

Post  Posted 10 Oct 2009 4:38 pm    
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Louie Hallford, did you get it installed. If you did maybe you could go to the topic by Stuart Legg "join me______" and share some things you found out. Thanks Bo
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Louie Hallford


denison tx
Post  Posted 17 Nov 2009 4:59 pm    
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Thanks to all you guys that have tried to help me.

Since I made the post I have lost my father-in law and my daughter has been in the hospital. To be honest ,I have not been back to this site until today.

Even though I have spent very little time with the 2009.5 BIAB. I have managed to get it working by moving to another computer and going directly to the USB plug.

I still have a lot of questions about its use,but will take time to review as many posts as possible which hopefully will get me out of kindergarden and into the first grade with BIAB.

Again thanks.
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Rick Campbell

Sneedville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 18 Nov 2009 8:30 am    
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Sorry to hear of your loss. You'll get the BIAB, it's not as difficult as it appears. Good luck with everything. Smile
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