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Author Topic:  NV 400 Crackels - Volume goes down
Bud Angelotti

Larryville, NJ, USA
Post  Posted 2 Sep 2009 6:51 pm    
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Anyone know where I can start with this - My NV 400 Crackels - then the Volume goes down. Sometimes the volume just goes down. It has the Lemay mod. Seems to happen when the volume is relatively high and when I give it the gas.
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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 2 Sep 2009 7:06 pm    
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If it does not have the solder onspeaker wires at the chassis then you might have loose connections at the speaker Molex plug. Later models were hard soldered instead of using the Molex connector

Also try a short patch cord from preamp out to power amp in and another form pre to post eq patch points on the front of the amp
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Adam Sorber

Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2009 5:56 am    
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possible a bad volume pot??
Adam Sorber
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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2009 6:11 am    
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Possibly, but I have seen more issue with the mid pot. Often it will open up monetarily and cause a loud shot (like firing a 38 cal pistol off), A good cleaning of that helps a lot. While in there clean the post gain pot, seems those two are usually the ones I find that are in need of cleaning and lubricating!

The weak pints in the amp (and other brands as well) are the loop jacks. The input loop jacks have a contact that normally closed the jack back to the output jack for proper signal routing. From lack of use these can get dirty and develop a very high resistance resulting in loss of tone, loss of power and intermittent signal. Using the jumpers will quickly determine if that is the issue. The jumpers can be left on place with no harm done

These are just some of the things that can cause issues but certainly not a complete list! It may be a circuit board issue that is best served by tech service. If all the above fails to reveal the problem then it is likely time to send it to a good tech or Peavey for service
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Post  Posted 3 Sep 2009 6:13 am    
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Wouldn't hurt to spray some cleaner on the input plug on the amp and then pull the plug in and out weveral times- that can do it also if it isn't making the best contact
Ron Petersen
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Bud Angelotti

Larryville, NJ, USA
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2009 11:12 am     Will Try
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Will try - I'll post later to tell you all how things work. Thanks All !!
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Bud Angelotti

Larryville, NJ, USA
Post  Posted 19 Oct 2009 9:16 am    
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OK I've tried various things to narrow it down - The speaker is soldered at the chassis - Jiggled it around with the amp fired up and it makes not noises. Also jiggle around the reverb connecton. No noises, unplugged the reverb connector and cleaned. Tried the send and returns on front and back with jumpers. Did no help. Cleaned the pots. BINGO! Now, I don't change my tone controls. They just pretty much stay the same cause I just don't touch em'. Found the prescence pot to be VERY tight. Even with cleaning it is very tight. But as I said, I don't mess with it anyway. So - In my case, cleaning the pots did the trick. Except for one thing, The tone of the amp has changed. Sounds thinner. I also resoldered the ground wire on the guitar (p/p)
All crackeling is gone and considerable hum, gone. Amp sounds a bit weak though, but doesn't change. I will reclean the pots, see if the presence won't loosen up. Thanks!
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