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Stephen Gambrell


Over there
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2009 1:50 am    
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Joe Savage wrote:
Even though I didn't know Winnie, like so many of us,
I spent my first few years wearing out the book. His contribution goes on. I've recommended the book many times.
For those of you who knew him, is there any insight into why he chose not to have a treatment for the prostate cancer? I'm currently dealing with it myself, so it's of particular interest.
Thanks. You can respond by email if you like.

Joe, Winnie was a great believer in holostic/homeopatic medicine. He was extremely knowledgable in those areas, and chose some extremely unorthodox methods of treatment.
I believe, towards the end, he did seek "conventional treatment," but by then, it was too late.
Winnie and I got to be great frieds during his last year or so. Now, I know that i'm a hack wannabe, so I try to introduce myself again, when I talk to a person of Winnie's fame----And I've kept ALL our emails, where he told me things he wouldn't have told just anybody. So I started an email to him by saying, "I know you don't remember me..."
And he replied,"of COURSE I remember you, dumbass! I've got cancer, not Alzheimer's!!!"
Classic Winnie response. And I was moved to tears when a Homeopathic magazine asked me to write a brief article on Winnie, after he'd passed. Man, I miss him!
Off-topic a little bit, Joe, but your playing on "Midwest Country" amazes me. I know how hard it can be, backing up people you don't know. We all do.
But you do it so well! Great player!
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Herb Steiner

Briarcliff TX 78669, pop. 2,064
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2009 8:25 am    
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Winnie was a member of the SGHOF Committee, so chosen because of his knowledge of the history of steel guitar, his intellect, and his involvement in the industry. I am honored to have served with him in that capacity and to have been his friend for about 25 years.
My rig: Infinity and Telonics.

Son, we live in a world with walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with steel guitars. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg?
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Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 17 Aug 2009 1:22 am     I just found this 1994 picture
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L to R. Tom Morrell, Jimmy Day, Winnie, Me, Herb Steiner. Mike Johnstone took the picture.

Please visit my web site and Soundcloud page and listen to the music posted there.
http://www.mikeperlowin.com http://soundcloud.com/mike-perlowin
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