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Author Topic:  Hawaiian & non-pedal steel-Scottys St.Louis 2004
Gerald Ross

Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2004 9:20 am    
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Scotty's steel guitar convention in St. Louis has presented some of the world's finest steel guitarists during its thirty two year history. Many Hawaiian steel guitarists have graced the stage and have been honored at this yearly gathering of close to five thousand musicians and fans. However, in recent years, the pedal steel guitar has been the primary focus of this convention, with traditional non-pedal guitar taking a bit of a back seat.

This year on Saturday, September 4th the Hawaiian, Dobro and non-pedal steel guitar will once again be in the spotlight. Dewitt Scott (Scotty) has graciously provided a meeting room at the convention's Millennium Hotel for us to showcase the lush, tropical sound of the original steel guitar.

We want to feature the beautiful music that can be achieved simply with a steel bar, a few strings, heart and expressive hands.

Hawaiian Steel Guitar Association (HSGA) members L.T. Zinn, Doug Smith, Gerald Ross, and Floyd Alexander are planning to perform and provide backup. How about you? Let us know if you'd like to play a few numbers or join in the festivities. Details, contact Doug Smith, mona2582@sbcglobal.net, or Gerald Ross, gbross@umich.edu.

Gerald Ross
'Northwest Ann Arbor, Michigan's King Of The Hawaiian Steel Guitar'

Gerald's Fingerstyle Guitar Website

[This message was edited by Gerald Ross on 28 June 2004 at 10:24 AM.]

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