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Author Topic:  RIP Jay Bennett (Wilco)
Brad Bechtel

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 24 May 2009 7:10 pm    
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Jay Bennett, dead at age 45
By Jim DeRogatis on May 24, 2009 9:25 PM

Jay Bennett, a rock musician with deep ties to Chicago best known as a former member of Wilco, died early Sunday morning in downstate Urbana, where he had been running a recording studio, according to a spokesman for his family.

The singer and multi-instrumentalist was 45 years old.

"Early this morning, Jay died in his sleep and an autopsy is being performed," said Edward Burch, a friend and musician who collaborated with Bennett on the 2005 album "The Palace at 4 a.m." "The family is in mourning and is unavailable for comment at this time."

Born in the Chicago suburb of Rolling Meadows, Bennett began playing in bands as a teenager. He attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and earned multiple degrees in secondary education, math and political science. In between, he co-founded the Replacements-like power-pop band Titanic Love Affair, which released three albums during the alternative-rock heyday between 1991 and 1996, when it was dropped from its label.

Bennett was working at a VCR repair shop in Champaign when he was tapped to join Wilco as it toured in support of its first album, "A.M." A talented arranger and versatile musician who could play virtually any instrument he picked up, from mandolin to Mellotron, Bennett formed a fruitful partnership with Wilco bandleader Jeff Tweedy. His contributions over a seven-year period were key to the albums that resulted in the band's national breakthrough, including "Being There" (1996), "Summerteeth" (1999) and "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot" (2002).

Relations between Bennett and Tweedy, both painstaking perfectionists, soured during the latter recording, as documented in the film "I Am Trying to Break Your Heart," and Bennett left the band. Earlier this month, Bennett filed a lawsuit against Tweedy for breach of contract and unpaid artist's royalties, stemming in part from his role in the film.

In late April, Bennett wrote on his MySpace blog about dealing with intense pain from a hip injury suffered during a dive from the stage while playing with Titanic Love Affair. He was preparing to have surgery, but was concerned about his lack of health insurance. However, he also was looking forward to finishing his fifth solo album, "Kicking at the Perfumed Air," at his studio, Pieholden Suites, named after the song on "Summerteeth" that best encapsulates his talents as an arranger.

"This whole experience [with the hip pain] has really taught me to look both inward and outward for support, and I've learned things about myself that I thought I had completely figured out years ago," Bennett wrote. "Family and friends have helped me to keep faith in a future that will actually be much more carefree than my constricted present state. I encourage you all to tell me stories of recovery, as they really do help... All in all, I'm 'in a really good place' right now; I'm just waiting until I can make it all happen."

Bennett's former bandmates in Wilco are touring in Spain and could not be reached for comment. But Burch said he had spoken to bassist John Stirratt, and the band was "broken up" about the news.

"He was an extremely talented musician and a great person, and I'll miss him terribly," Burch added.
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Scott Shipley

The Ozark Mountains
Post  Posted 24 May 2009 9:57 pm    
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R.I.P. brother.
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Bryan Daste

Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 25 May 2009 12:20 am    
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Wow, that's too bad. I like his playing.
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Marc Jenkins

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Post  Posted 25 May 2009 11:54 am    
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RIP. A big part of one of my favorite albums ever.
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Henry Nagle


Santa Rosa, California
Post  Posted 25 May 2009 1:38 pm    
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He was a real favorite of mine. He had great pop sense and just generally had a great feel for playing music. His guitar playing on Being There is stellar.
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Joachim Kettner

Post  Posted 27 May 2009 9:41 am    
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The only Wilco record I have is Summerteeth. It's a very good album. Besides their own unique style I hear Beatles, Lefte Banke, Band influences. What a great musician he was!
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