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Paul Sutherland


Placerville, California
Post  Posted 13 May 2009 10:27 pm    
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Has anyone used one of the new Fender Twin Reverb Customs with the 15" speaker? Its all tube and only 85 watts, but that was the standard for many years, and the single 15 puts the weight in a more manageable range. How would it compare to a Session 400? How would it sound with an Emmons push-pull with 20k single coils? How would it sound with a Rus-ler with the triple tap pickups? Any thoughts?
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Ray DeVoe


Hudson, FL
Post  Posted 14 May 2009 4:21 am     Fender 65 custom 15 reissue
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Hi Paul

There has been many threads addressing this same issue. Most any player will tell you that this is a good sounding amp but its limited on head room. The Eminence D 130 speaker clone thats used in these amps is decent but not near as good as the real thing. The D 130 clone also weighs in at around 25 pounds.

I owned one of the reissue 65 custom 15" for a short while but ended up selling it.

I now own two vintage Fender 135 watt Vibrosonics with the orange frame JBL. These are terrific amps. It's pretty costly to put these back in new operating condition, but once done, they are good for the next 20 years. * short of normal tube wear.

I guess the bottom line is simply this. If you are going to play gigs where you dont need the extra push, the reissue will work fine.

There is one on Ebay right now that's starting out at a low price. ( listed under twin reverb ) You can sometimes find a used reissue amp for as little $650 but you still might need to put some dollars into it.

Thats about all I can add. You need to do a search on this topic and there will also be other players replying here.

Here is a link to another current thread addressing some of the issues you are asking.


Ray DeVoe
Spring Hill, TN
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Ken Metcalf

San Antonio Texas USA
Post  Posted 14 May 2009 4:36 am    
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I believe that when you plug tubes into a chip board something is lost.
And I also believe it is a marketing gimmick aimed at people who think good tone comes from tubes.
A Session 400 has good tone or if there is any more confusion....
Test a Evans or Webb for the never have to buy $200.00 worth of tubes again tone.
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Lynn Stafford

Ridgefield, WA USA
Post  Posted 14 May 2009 6:47 am     Fender "Custom" Vibrasonic
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I sent you an email about a spare '96 "custom" Vibrasonic I'm about to sell. I think it's a better choice than the Custom 15 Twin, because it has 100 watts and both channels (stee/guitar) have reverb and vibrato. These are all tube with printed circuit board and they seem to be totally relaible, so I really don't need a spare any more.
Best regards,
Lynn Stafford

Steel Guitar Technician (Restoration, Set-up, Service and Repair work)

Previous Emmons Authorized Dealer & Service Technician (original factory is now closed)

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Kevin Hatton


Buffalo, N.Y.
Post  Posted 14 May 2009 10:26 am    
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The people that I have known who bought the Custom Twin 15 had reliability problems.
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John Bechtel

Nashville, Tennessee, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 14 May 2009 10:40 pm    
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I owned a ’65 RI Fender Twin~Reverb Custom™ 15 for about 2½-yrs. and never had any problems. I really liked it, but; the weight is what caused me to sell it! Otherwise, I'd probably still have it!
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Chris LeDrew

Post  Posted 15 May 2009 3:13 am    
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I've had two Custom 15's. The first one blew fuses like no tomorrow and it needed to be replaced. The second one seemed a bit more reliable, but I couldn't dial out the mids at all.

Overall, not a bad amp for guitar but not really voiced for steel. And it's way overpriced for what you're getting. Get a Silverface Twin ($500-$800) and send the chassis it to Ken Fox for a proper setup. Once you play through an old Fender, you won't bother with the reissues.

I would like to add that I use my '71 Twin with 2 12's, and to me it sounds as good as 1 15. I don't think it's necessary to use a 15 to get good steel sounds, although it seems to be the preference of most steel players.
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