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Topic: Sold |
Allen Howington
From: North Carolina, USA
Posted 24 Mar 2009 7:00 pm
Close it up!
Last edited by Allen Howington on 29 Mar 2009 10:34 am; edited 1 time in total |
Tommy Young
From: Ethelsville Alabama
Posted 24 Mar 2009 7:19 pm
ALLEN:: this baby oughta go fast your giving it away sho is purdy my fav. color too slurp slurp _________________ TOMMY YOUNG
BMI dealer,Classic VIBE 100 amp... SIT strings.. |
From: Meridian Miss
Posted 25 Mar 2009 7:51 am
Bump for a nice and pretty guitar. Jim |
Allen Howington
From: North Carolina, USA
Posted 25 Mar 2009 6:47 pm Bump
Back to the top! |
Reggie Duncan
From: Mississippi
Johnny Howington
From: Lillington, NC
Posted 26 Mar 2009 5:29 am droo
I know one thing about this guitar my brother is selling. It is the best sounding guitar he has and I can't believe he is selling it. If you want a guitar with no add-ons but a vertical knee lever this is one to think about. It is very nice looking and could be a great guitar for someone looking for a great sound. I have played this guitar and it is one of a kind. Hope someone wanting this type of guitar is looking on the forum. |
Chris Allen Burke
From: Signal Hill, CA
Posted 26 Mar 2009 7:55 pm
This is one of those situations when I have to wonder why anyone would sell a guitar of this caliber.
Please indulge me and answer this question.
Thank you
Reggie Duncan
From: Mississippi
Posted 26 Mar 2009 8:25 pm This Guitar
If this is the guitar I think it is, it IS one of the best sounding guitars I have ever played. _________________ |
Johnny Howington
From: Lillington, NC
Posted 27 Mar 2009 3:45 am sell of guitar
Mr. Burke,
I don't understand why someone has to explain to you why they want to sell a certain guitar. Personal reasons that a person might have for selling a guitar is really not the point. The point is here is a really nice guitar if someone is interested in buying it and the personal reasons a persaon may have for selling it is obviously none of our business if the person selling the guitar does not list it. Bottom line is here is a guitar for sale and if you are not interested in buying it anyway why are you concerned with why a person would want to sale it anyway. If there were some other issues dealing with the set-up of the guitar and condition or price I could understand. Do you ask a car salesman why this car is for sale? No you know why.
My only dog in this is my brother and I know why he is selling it and it's not because anything is wrong with the guitar. Allen has been buying and selling steel guitars for 25 or more years and his reputation and knowledge speaks for himself. Anyone that has had any dealings with Allen know what type of person he is and the morals that he stands by when buying or selling guitars on this forum. If you had called Allen and asked him anything about the sale of this guitar he would have told you anything you wanted to know, but to ask a question with this tone that I feel like is behind the question is totally out of line. That's my opinion and maybe that was not your intent. Trying to help people sell and find the guitar of their choice is what the forum is all about and the friendships that develop through the whole process of finding the guitar of a person's choice. Hindering and asking negative questions is in no way helping anyone. I would just like for people to be more understanding of each other's feelings when asking certain questions, especially those that are really none of your business and has no affect on the guitar itself. Just my opinion and not intended to cause any hard feelings. Just sometimes you want to help a brother out knowing what's behind the real truth of the sell of an excellent guitar. I have a personal email for any and all responses if negative to my comments in anyway. My phone number is 910-890-2974 if you would rather call. |
Allen Howington
From: North Carolina, USA
Posted 27 Mar 2009 11:20 am Emmons
Okay, enough jib-r-jabber! Bottom line, here is a great guitar at a great price. Just look at the price of others in the same ball park, you can't beat this price or this guitar. Give me a shout and lets close this deal before it gets gone. |
Bob Cox
From: Buckeye State
Posted 27 Mar 2009 11:42 am
Is that a lift kit ,or does the pics look like its taller? |
Bob Cox
From: Buckeye State
Posted 27 Mar 2009 11:59 am
I will take this guitar If you will pay shipping consider it sold.Bob |
Mark Greenway
From: Lake Kiowa, Texas
Posted 27 Mar 2009 2:48 pm Easy does it Johnny
Are you not sure that the guy asking why it is for sell, was not giving it a positive spin not a negative one. I took it as he was saying, that is such a beautiful and excellent guitar priced right, are you sure you want to let that go, won't you miss it? I believe he deserves an apology for that rant. |
steve takacs
From: beijing, china via pittsburgh (deceased)
Chris Allen Burke
From: Signal Hill, CA
Posted 28 Mar 2009 10:28 am
I would like to address Mr. J Howington.
It was not a personal attack! I own several steels that I will never sell and all of them are the result of buying and trading one deal or another. It sounded as though this would be a keeper in the stable and I was simply wondering why someone would let it go.
As far as a used car is concerned, I would most definately ask why and get a carfax printout as well.
Finally, Your response to my question was unwarrented and rude, makes me have pause reguarding the guitar and think possibly, "one doth protest too much".
Chris Allen Burke
From: Signal Hill, CA
Posted 28 Mar 2009 10:28 am
I would like to address Mr. J Howington.
It was not a personal attack! I own several steels that I will never sell and all of them are the result of buying and trading one deal or another. It sounded as though this would be a keeper in the stable and I was simply wondering why someone would let it go.
As far as a used car is concerned, I would most definately ask why and get a carfax printout as well.
Finally, Your response to my question was unwarrented and rude, makes me have pause reguarding the guitar and think possibly, "one doth protest too much".
chris ivey
From: california (deceased)
Posted 28 Mar 2009 11:50 am
bottom line: 25 years of buying and selling steels!
no mention of playing. |
Bob Cox
From: Buckeye State
Posted 28 Mar 2009 12:20 pm
I am looking forward to playing my Emmons.Great Dealing with you Allen.My 76 session 400, and I awaits it,s arrival! |
Jeff Neal
From: Johnson City Tennessee, USA
Posted 28 Mar 2009 12:21 pm
It must be true. California is a weird place.
But on a lighter note, you can't keep every guitar you buy. If you find one you like more than the current guitar you have sell the old one.
It's a good way to try out different guitars without tying up alot of money.
I sold Allen a guitar that I wished I would have kept but I have since found other guitars that I like just as good if not more.
This will probaly start a war but I don't know why our friends on the West Coast have to be so negative all the time. |
Cartwright Thompson
Posted 28 Mar 2009 2:07 pm
wow, this is getting good. The item is sold, who cares where this goes?!? |
steve takacs
From: beijing, china via pittsburgh (deceased)
Posted 28 Mar 2009 4:03 pm Questions Allowed?
Johnny you, yourself, wondered about why Allen was selling the Emmon when you said: "It is the best sounding guitar he has and I can't believe he is selling it." Chris just turned this into a question and an pretty innocuous one at that. Even if one was not going to buy the guitar, a question such as Chris's has it's place on The Forum, in my opinion.
Jack Nicholson posed a question in "Mars Attacks": "Why can't we all just get along?' Of course, he bites the dust when the Martians turn up the heat. Fortunately, the The Forum does not have many Martian members. steve t
Last edited by steve takacs on 29 Mar 2009 7:10 am; edited 2 times in total |
Allen Howington
From: North Carolina, USA
Posted 28 Mar 2009 11:21 pm Close it up
Bob, please close this one up, the guitar has been sold. I will forward a donation when funds arrive. Sorry that some of these post get out of hand, I wish posts could maintain their true intent of buying and selling without unnecessary remarks. Anyway, life goes on, close it up! |
Mark Eaton
From: Sonoma County in The Great State Of Northern California
Posted 29 Mar 2009 9:48 am
Jeff Neal wrote: |
It must be true. California is a weird place.
But on a lighter note, you can't keep every guitar you buy. If you find one you like more than the current guitar you have sell the old one.
It's a good way to try out different guitars without tying up alot of money.
I sold Allen a guitar that I wished I would have kept but I have since found other guitars that I like just as good if not more.
This will probaly start a war but I don't know why our friends on the West Coast have to be so negative all the time. |
And on another "lighter note," a good thing to remember Jeff, is that Forum "headquarters" is here on the west coast, about 20 miles north of where I'm sitting.  _________________ Mark |