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Randy Brown


Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 16 Mar 2009 9:00 am    
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Hey guys, I just got one of Bob H's Tonealigner pickups for my Carter U-12. The tone is rich and full, however it is picking up way more body noise than the E-66 that came in the guitar. At first I thought it was just the pickup, so Bob was even kind enough to swap it for one from a different batch. This did not fix the problem.

I have tried putting in a thin layer of foam under the pickup - that sounds like it may have helped some, but still the body noise is quite noticeable while playing. I can hear every little pedal or knee lever movement.

I'm wondering if anybody has any tips or tricks that could help. Particularly you Carter players out there...

I would like to say that Bob has been very helpful and has gone above and beyond with his customer service. (Thanks Bob!)

Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!
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Scott Swartz

St. Louis, MO
Post  Posted 16 Mar 2009 10:27 am    
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Perhaps you could talk to Bob H about wax potting the pickup, that is a standard approach to fixing this type of issue.

The E-66 is of course potted in solid epoxy, so it is logical that there would be less microphonics with the E-66.

Is the pickup mounted with the springs underneath that is standard for Carters (I believe this is still the case, it was on the 04 Carter I had)?
Scott Swartz
Steeltronics - Steel Guitar Pickups
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George Macdonald


Vancouver Island BC Canada
Post  Posted 16 Mar 2009 10:40 am     Body noise
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Randy, I have a Tonealigner for my 12 string Carter also, and experienced the same problem that you are having. The pickup was a very tight fit in the pickup cavity and actualy was touching the aluminum cavity at each end of the pickup in two, bright colored spots. I took the pickup back out and carefully touched those four spots to the grinder. This gave it just enough clearance so that it didn't touch the cavity. Those spots were below the top plate of the pickup. Making sure those spots were flat rather than sticking out in a half round shape solved the "microphonic" sound of the pedal action. I probably should have allerted Bob H to this problem because maybe other Carter owners are experiencing the same thing. Hope this helps. George
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Randy Brown


Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 16 Mar 2009 11:00 am    
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Scott, thanks for the reply. The E66 was mounted with a metal plate resting on 2 springs. I have tried the tonealigner with and without the springs and plate. It appears to have less noise without the springs/plate. Right now it's just the TA pickup sitting on a thin piece of foam, and of course it has the 4 mounting screws attached to the actual body.

Thanks for the suggestion about wax potting... however, this is the second TA (from a different batch) I have tried, so at this point, I'm thinking it is more of an installation issue rather than a problem with the pickup itself.
Also I have tried speaking into the pickup and it does NOT appear to pick up my voice, which I understand is a sign of microphonic pickups...

George, the spacing sounds like it could be an issue. It is a very tight fit in the Carter. I can't see it touching the aluminum, but it is VERY close (at least on the top plate).. I'll pull the pickup out later and check underneath there to see if i need to do something like you described.

One thing I've noticed that could be a problem: The tonealigner holes don't line up exactly on mine, so the screws are in at an angle, causing it to be pretty rigidly in place, as opposed to my E66 which you can press on and push it down a little because it is on the springs).... I'm wondering if i need to drill a couple new holes so the pickup isn't in a bind...

George, how did you mount the TA on your Carter? With the springs or without? And did you use the 4 screws in the original holes, or did you drill new ones? did you put any padding or anything under the pickup? thanks!
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George Macdonald


Vancouver Island BC Canada
Post  Posted 16 Mar 2009 11:29 am     Pickups and Body Noise
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Randy, I did use the original holes, but like you, found them to bind and not allow the pickup to easily slide up and down. I left the springs in place but had to compress them all the way down to leave enough clearance under the strings. Still, I would like to have been able to get it lower, so as to make better use of the individualy adjustable pole pieces. Randy, check your email. George
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Bob Hoffnar

Austin, Tx
Post  Posted 16 Mar 2009 1:04 pm    
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It seems to be a mounting issue to me. Keep me posted on what you guys come up with so I can see if there is something I can do on my end.

thanks, Bob
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Brick Spieth


San Jose, California, USA
Post  Posted 16 Mar 2009 3:16 pm    
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I just put a TA in my EMCI with no issues other than mounting it on a thin piece of foam to clear the wire coming out of the bottom of the PU. Sounds great.
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