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Author Topic:  Where to restart?
Rick Hanzlik

Utah, USA
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2008 7:38 pm    
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Many Many years ago my mother insisted I learn to play the steel guitar. I started with a six string lap that I think was a fender, then later I had a double neck * string fender stringmaster. Needles to say I didn't stick with it, now that I'm much much older ( quickly approaching geezer mode) I have decided to try to pick the steel back up. My dilemma is, should I get one of those cheap six string laps, Or go for a cheap 6 string double neck or try to find a decent 8 string doubleneck? Anybody have a suggestion?

My other option is to build my own or get a project guitar?
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2008 8:00 pm     Welcome... back!
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What's your budget, and basic preferred style?
www.dynalap.com is a good start.
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Jim Waldrop


Alabama, USA
Post  Posted 16 Dec 2008 8:40 pm     restart
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Rick I just spent the last year relearning the steel myself. Like you I played many many years ago then quit. I started about a year ago with an 6 string Archer Hawaiian Junior but it wasn't long before I Switched to an 8 string. If I had it to do over again I would start with an 8 string. I relearned using the C6 tuning as there is so much material available for that tuning. I also got lucky and found a teacher close to where I live and that really sped things up. Right now I am playing a Georgeboards Stealth 8 string lap steel with legs and a Remington D8 console. You can't go wrong with either of these guitars but there are many less expensive 8 strings out there. I also purchased the DeWitt Scott Basic C6th nonpedal Method instruction book with CD. It is a very good starting point for 6 string C6 tuning. Also when you get into it George Piburn has some good C6 material and some of it is free on his Steel Guitar Camp website. Good Luck. It's a lot of work but worth ever minute you put into it. I am very happy I got back into steel playing.
Georgeboards D8 Twin Princess, Fender Custom T8, Fender Stringmaster T8, Pre-war Rickenbacher 7string bakelite, Clinesmith D8 pedal steel, Clinesmith T8 non pedal steel, Simmons Genesis PSG, Simmons D10 psg, Peavey NV 112, Fender 65Princeton Reverb, Roland Cube
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