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Warren Cohran

Georgia, USA
Post  Posted 19 Oct 2008 5:49 am    
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This may be the wrong place to post this but here goes. With the price of gas wear and tear on a vehicle the price of hotel rooms not to mention the time and effort you steel players put in to put on such a great show . I dont see how you can do what yall do without suffering finacialy. As top professonials and I am talking about the players that play for a living and have no other means of income except selling their materials at these shows I know it must really be hard to make very many of these shows . Seems a shame that there is not some way all these players are not compensated for their great talent and dedication. I know some will say they do it for the love of the steel and thats great but that dont pay the bills .I just want to say guys I really admire your determination to keep the music a live .Just wondering how long will these TOP PLAYERS BE ABLE TO AFFORD TO KEEP COMING TO THESE CONVENTIONS? IF THIS OFFENDS ANYONE BOB PLEASE DELETE IT . Question
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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 19 Oct 2008 3:52 pm    
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A very valid concern, Warren, and I can't imagine anyone being offended by your post.
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Lem Smith


Long Beach, MS
Post  Posted 19 Oct 2008 4:06 pm    
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I have no idea how the other shows are done, but for the two Fulton MS shows that I had a hand in putting on, the professional players were paid for playing at the shows, and also motel rooms furnished, which was of course in addition to whatever they made from selling any products.

In fact, although the Jamboree incurred a loss at the last one this past April, I was informed by the fellow who was sponsoring the show, that all the steel players, professionals or not, who traveled very far were paid their travel expense.

It's been my experience, and I've heard the same from many others, that putting on a steel show is a labor of love, and certainly not a money making venture! At least not for the first several anyway.
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