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Author Topic:  So now there is a Princeton 65 Reissue!
Karlis Abolins

(near) Seattle, WA, USA
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2008 4:11 am    
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I just came across an announcement for the Princeton 65 reissue. My first steel amp was a silverface Princeton reverb that I bought back in '72 (for practically nothing). I played the heck out of that thing. I had to resolder the ground to the chassis a couple of times when it got so hot that it desoldered. But I loved that amp. I have been looking for one for a long time. The ones that show up now and then are worn out and overpriced.

Has anyone tried out this new (old) amp? only 15 watts but it seems to have that sound on the youtube demo. The list price is around $900.

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Jerry Erickson


Atlanta,IL 61723
Post  Posted 7 Sep 2008 7:34 am    
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We have one of these at Corson Music. It sounds great. It's hard to believe that it has a 10" speaker in it. A customer came in and played some Chet songs on a Tele through it and was really enjoying it. He proceeded to play through a reissue Deluxe Reverb and thought that the Princeton sounded better, because it was not as bright. I told him that was because the Deluxe had a capacitor on the reverb channel that acted as a bright switch turned on. Haven't played a steel through it yet, but will do try it next week.
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