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Author Topic:  Pedal oddity
James Martin (U.K.)

Watford, Herts, United Kingdom * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 6:05 am    
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I've just acquired an old Sho-Bud volume pedal and have noticed that the wire from the centre lug on the pot is connected to the input of the volume pedal whereas my Emmons has the wire going to the amplifier output - they both work ok except the Sho-Bud sound is so much brighter with more treble and volume. Anyone have an explanation please?
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Benton Allen

Muscle Shoals, Alabama, USA
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 5:57 pm    
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I assume you are referring to the stand alone Sho-Bud volume pedal. They are both wired the same. The difference is - on the Emmons pedal the "Output" (to the amp) is the rear jack, and the "Input" (from the guitar) is the front jack. Some, if not all of the Sho-Bud stand alone pedals are just the opposite, and to my knowledge none were labeled from the factory. The Rear jack is the "Input" and the Front jack is the "output". Ironically, the Sho-Bud model 6255 Crossbar mounted pedals were setup identical to the Emmons.
Just swap your cables around on the Sho-Bud stand alone, and you're in business. You could also swap the two wires in question on the pot itself if your feeling energetic.
Confused enough now?
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 9:49 pm    
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One should never assume which jack is the input and which jack is the output on a pot pedal, even if they're labeled. Always try the pedal both ways to see which way sounds best!
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James Martin (U.K.)

Watford, Herts, United Kingdom * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 11:50 pm    
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Thank you Benton for your explanation. Both you and Donny are right when you say not to assume that the input and output are the same on all pedals, something that had not crossed my mind. Problem solved. Cheers. James.
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