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Author Topic:  TC Electronics M-350 Question
Jeff Hyman

West Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 26 Aug 2008 6:54 pm    
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Hello all,

I recently purchased a TC M350 mainly for the clean reverb I experienced from an older TC model. I must be doing something wrong as the reverb quality just doesn't seem to come close to the older model. I have read the manual and am familiar with the basics of this unit. My question is, what am I doing wrong? Contacting TC is an absolute joke. I did arrange an exchange from AmericanMusicial.com without any problems. I'm just wondering if anyone out there that may be using this unit may have some helpful hints, or may have experienced any similar problems. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Jeff Hyman
Sho~Bud LDG
WEBB and Fender Deluxe
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Keith Hilton


248 Laurel Road Ozark, Missouri 65721
Post  Posted 26 Aug 2008 7:47 pm    
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Jeff, I have been using one of these while my ProFexII was in the shop for repairs. When I first tried the TC unit in the shop I really liked it. Then, when I took it on a real picking job it sucked. I could not get anything I liked and wound up disconnecting it. Don't know why, but I took it to another picking job and hooked up a different way. I put it before the pre amp in the Nashville 400, and that way I could regulate tone setting on the Nashville, as there isn't any tone settings on the TC unit. I keep tweeking the knobs on the Nashville 400, mainly raising the trebble and maxing out the presence. I finally wound up with a great sound. Those same settings did not sound good in the shop. I think the reverb and delay is really subject to the room you are playing in. You need to do some more experimenting. I was going to get rid of it, but found what I wanted not by changing much on the TC unit, but the settings on my amp. Hope this helps.
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Jeff Hyman

West Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2008 1:47 pm    
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Thanks for the info. The replacement unit arrived today and I'll install it tonight. I'll try your suggestion though I've kinda done that already. When I install something new I first go direct into each amp directly from the PSG and get a tone as close as I can to what I want. Once completed, I then introduce the effect rack into the loop. One thing you mention that makes the most sense is the environment I'm testing the tone. I'm using my garage where as in the past I was in a larger more open area. Maybe I'll take the gear outside and pluck a little. Thanks again for the feedback.

PS: Do you keep most of the M350 dials at 12 o'clock?
Jeff Hyman
Sho~Bud LDG
WEBB and Fender Deluxe
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Jeff Hyman

West Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2008 7:12 pm    
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Installed the replacement unit. Noticeable difference in the sensitivity and range of the reverb settings. Thank you American Musical for the no hassel swap.
Thanks again Keith.
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