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Author Topic:  Fay Flooded Our Gig
Jim Walker

Headland, AL
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2008 3:16 am    
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We played in Eufaula, Alabama last night. It rained so hard and so fast during the 4th set that water began to build up in the screened in area in the back of the bar where we were. I looked down and there was an inch of water all around my side of the stage (concrete floor), I jumped up and stopped the band and started unplugging all the power. Before I could even pick my steel up and move it the water was covering my pedals. My effects, cords and my other 6 string stuff on the floor was nearly submerged. Well we were able to get most of the gear moved to higher ground within a few minutes but I had to wade in a foot of water to gather up all the cables.

What a nightmare!....

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