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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 16 Aug 2008 10:33 am    
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Just got a super inexpensive rebuilt computer. Vista Premium.

I'm in the process of rebuilding things, trying to get everything back to familiarity. I've got an external drive where everything important from the old one is saved (as files & folders---not as a mirror drive) but I am being VERY careful what I bring into contact with the new rig.

I just installed Firefox 3. All my bookmarks are on the Simpletech drive. The question is: provided I can figure out what files on the Simpletech contain my bookmarks, how can I jam them into the new Firefox. What FF folder do I drop them into (if that's the procedure)?

I'll expect more similar questions to come. My infected old computer is too funked up to ever allow to interface with this new one--it is destined for a complete mind-wipe as soon as I am confident that this one is working right. So far, so...ok.
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Wiz Feinberg

Mid-Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 16 Aug 2008 2:33 pm    
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Try Importing your saved Profile from the previous Firefox installation, assuming you saved it to the Simpletech drive. The profile folder contains all of your preferences, cookies, logins, bookmarks, extensions and personalized settings. If you tell FF3 to search the USB drive\folder-where-ff-profile-saved\ it will see bookmarks.html and offer to import them. Do the same for Cookies.

If this can't be done we will have to look up the new Vista location of your identity application data, where the FF profile lives. I believe it is called "AppData\Roaming."
"Wiz" Feinberg, Moderator SGF Computers Forum
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 16 Aug 2008 2:57 pm    
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Thanks Wiz. I believe I've found both locations. I would love to do it via an import/export protocol but I can't figure out how to initiate that FF3 search.
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 16 Aug 2008 5:41 pm    
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Well--I'm not real sure how this went but I managed to find and transfer a recent bookmark backup file from Simpletech to my desktop. I did some FF help-searching and found instructions to convert and import an html file (which this was) and by gum it worked. I've got my bookmarks back. woo freakin hoo. I don't dislike Vista so much as I just dislike unfamiliarity. I knew where stuff was on my xp.

So now I've only got 17 other annoying questions about administrator privileges and email folder transfers from OE (on Simpletech) to Windows Mail and some other stuff. I'll save them for tomorrow.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 17 Aug 2008 2:40 am    
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Just remember you can't "transfer" programs, they must be installed using the programs installation application (unless you use the Widows Easy Transfer built into Vista which will move a few selected programs). All you can "copy over" is user data, browser favorites, etc.

Vista has a transfer wizard (Windows Easy Transfer) that will, with the proper interconnection between the new and old PC, allow you to transfer the e-mail address book, user data, and as mentioned a few selected programs to the new PC. It may be worth the cost of the "transfer cable" (e.g. special USB cable) to transfer over what you want.
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 17 Aug 2008 6:18 am    
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Here's where I'm at----the address book was my first order of business and somehow I successfully transferred it from the USB drive early on. Excellent. But for some reason I am totally unable to bring my 10 years of saved email over from the external drive even though (I think) I have found them (dbx files). Because of infection, I hadn't wanted to interface with the old computer--I'm planning on giving it a new hard drive--plus I only have one monitor--but it looks like I'll have to go ahead and get a monitor (which only makes sense, otherwise what's the point of getting it up & running?) and do the transfer utility thing. The good news is that it sounds like that will work which is a load of my mind. There's email stuff I really don't want to lose.

Biggest question mark right now---

--how come I did indeed turn up AppData\Roaming under, I think, C:\users\jon\AppData\Roaming\microsoft\windows when I inputted AppData\Roaming in a search, but when I try to go directly there via windows explorer I can't get any deeper than a few irrelevant subfolders after users\jon. There's nothing there like \AppData. What am I missing?
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 17 Aug 2008 7:47 am    
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Ah---ok, I've figured out the 'show hidden files' thing. I thought that would get me going with the email transfer thing but no dice.
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