Awsome what a great steel guitar show we put on this year.First I want to Thank Mike Idhe on lead guitar,Elaine Ellis on Bass and Gene Trudel on Drums for the great job they did.I give special thanks to Dana Flood,Doug Beaumier,and Sam Gibson for the super great playing they done and a special thank you to all the people that put their time and effort into the best show yet.I want to thank you all for supporting me and making the R.I. SteelGuitar Assoc. a sucsess.I hope someone picks up and goes forward as your new President.I will not be running for any Office at this time.Good Luck I will be comming to the shows and a meeting now and then when we need to go on a trip.One more thing I want to thank everyone for the beautiful Plaque you all awarded me as founder and President of the R.I. Steel Guitar Asso.I do feel kind of bad that I won't be there all the time like I was and I feel like I have lost a awful lot.Thanks everyone I will sure miss all the stuff that is involved with the Assoc.
Sam White[This message was edited by Samuel E. White on 23 September 2002 at 07:08 PM.]