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Author Topic:  Msa Resolution Conclusion!
Reece Anderson


Keller Texas USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2002 11:30 am    
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For ten years I was President of the MSA / Micro Pedal Steel Guitar
Company, a corporation which discontinued business and was dissolved in 1983.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) took the remaining assets
of the corporation in partial repayment of the debts owed by the corporation. No assets remained at the conclusion of that process. In fact, the assets were insufficient to discharge the obligations of the loan and because I had taken some personal responsibility for the loan, I made arrangements to pay back additional amounts over the ensuing five years to discharge those obligations to the SBA.

The inability of MSA to continue operations resulted from many factors, chief among those being loans tied to a floating interest rate that ballooned in the early 80s causing dislocation in many companies at the time. Regrettably, there were people who had paid money to the corporation, and not to me personally, for MSA products that they ultimately never received, as a result of the dissolution of the corporation. Again, the corporation was the legal entity to which those monies were paid, it was dissolved and the principal lender took all the assets. There were no assets remaining after the dissolution.

In the aftermath of that dissolution, there were people who were understandably upset by the result. People who lost money were unhappy. People, including me, who owned the business were unhappy. As is typical with a corporate dissolution, the officers, employees and shareholders had no legal responsibility for any corporate debt. Nonetheless, even though I had no legal responsibility to do so, I hoped to be able to do something to bring restitution to the people who had lost money. Inasmuch as my personal financial resources were devastated with the dissolution of the company, and for an extended time thereafter, there was no good way to do what I wished to do. Nonetheless, I still hoped to someday voluntarily bring restitution.

After a time, I hit upon the idea to make a recording and sell it, with the proceeds going toward restitution. I recorded an album at my expense and entered into an agreement for its sale and distribution. For reasons that were out of my control, the venture did not achieve the desired result.

A short time later, through arrangements with my father-in-law who was a principal in a private company, I purchased some stock in that company at my expense and, as a gesture of goodwill, distributed it to the people to whom I hoped to bring restitution. My hope was that the company would prosper and those receiving the stock would, by that avenue, have restitution. My recollection is that each person had received stock, although some claim not to have received any. I do not know how to explain that factual anomaly other than to say that in the MSA RESOLUTION post, it was specified that having or not having stock would not by itself impact a person's ability to participate in the MSA RESOLUTION. Shortly after my purchase of that stock, my father-in-law was tragically killed in an accident thus resulting in the severing of my connection with that company.

As time progressed and I was able to begin to stabilize my financial situation, I again contacted those who had received stock and offered to make some type of restitution if they preferred that instead of the stock. Only one person accepted and we were able to reach a mutual accord by implementing his suggestion that I provide to him materials for resale including copies of a teaching course I had developed. I believe there are those who claim they received no such contact. My recollection is otherwise, but I do not intend to debate that inasmuch as The MSA RESOLUTION post makes any such debate of no real value.

There are those who have tried to convince people that I had and still have a personal obligation to repay the debts of a corporation that was dissolved almost 20 years ago. There are those who suggest that somehow I profited from the failure of the MSA Micro Corporation by taking the residual assets of that corporation for myself. The facts are that my personal financial resources were devastated by the dissolution of the corporation, that I have never had personal responsibility for the debts of that corporation except for those which I specifically undertook in writing in the loan documents, and, after matters were concluded with the SBA, there were no residual assets available to be taken by anyone. Simply put, there were no remaining assets.

There are probably very few among you who would argue that if a person became bankrupt and was discharged of his obligations, that he was nonetheless responsible later to contact Sears or Penney's, or a credit card company and pay off debts that were discharged in bankruptcy. I never declared bankruptcy, but, in my case, I never owed the debts in the first place, the debts were corporate debts. Also in my case, I tried the best I could to bring restitution simply because of my concern for the people involved and not because of any obligation to assume debts of the corporation. It is true that my efforts did not produce the hoped for results, but that does not diminish the fact that I had tried at least twice.

Scrolling forward approximately 20 years from the dissolution of the former corporation, my brother Jerry who was an officer in the MSA/ Micro Corporation, Kyle Bennett, whose father was also an officer in MSA/ Micro Corporation, and I, began to develop ideas for a revolutionary design for a new pedal steel guitar. After much research, engineering, design and production work, that instrument has become a reality. It is simply a marvelous instrument and I am excited to report that we expect pictures will be available on www.msapedalsteels.com on June 15, 2002.

During the initial discussions about the formation of the new corporation there was a unanimous opinion that we wanted to voluntarily attempt to recompense those people who paid for products that they never received from the former corporation. We knew we had no obligation to do that, but each of us wanted to do so if it could reasonably be done. So, we began to outline a process that would include identifying any person who had paid money to the "old MSA" corporation but who had not received the ordered product by the time that corporation was dissolved, and, somehow, compensating those people in a mutually agreeable way if it could reasonably be done. The institution of this process was not intended to admit, acknowledge, or create any legal or other liability on the part of anyone. It was undertaken solely because we wanted to do it.

Almost comically, there are some outside of the "new MSA" who suggest that they, themselves, are either the driving force behind the MSA RESOLUTION effort or that somehow, they are an important piece of the process. I understand that many of you have received unsolicited emails suggesting, among other things, that the senders are involved in the process. Those people have had no part whatsoever in the process, its continuance, or its expiration. Save for the principals of the new MSA, and persons whom we have chosen to bring into those discussions, there is no one who has had any part in the existence of the MSA RESOLUTION process, its continuance, or its expiration.

As we stated in the MSA RESOLUTION post on the Steel Guitar Forum, there are existing records that are in my possession pertaining to the dissolved corporation. While my feeling was that those records could be used to ultimately determine an accurate list of persons to contact, since I believed that I had contacted them all previously, we decided that while those records would be used, we should be open to supplementation of those records since there were those who seemed to purport to have additional records and information.

Secondly, while I believed the names could be determined, we were all relatively certain that most likely the addresses would not be accurate. There was another consideration. If we were going forward with the process we wanted to include everyone who was a candidate who was willing to follow the rules of the process. We were aware that there are a couple of people who, seemingly, had suggested that they know names of people who should be part of the process. Those same people suggested that I had all the names. Actually, except for better records of current addresses, we never believed any records were superior to the records that I maintained, though, again, we were open to the notion of accepting legitimate supplemental information.

Since those purporting to have tracked this matter for 20 years, and who have purported to have information, were known to be denizens of this Forum, we decided to publicly announce the MSA RESOLUTION process here and appeal for supplements to our records. I did not believe there would be significant supplements to the names. So we made the MSA RESOLUTION post and we waited. There were no legitimate supplements whatsoever except for address information. We have not had contact from any person having his or her claim of being a legitimate candidate for participation supported by any credible evidence whose name would not have been discerned from the existing records from the dissolved corporation. We heard from several of the people prior to fully researching those records, but the names of each one would have been found. There were a variety of scurrilous emails, and posts on the Forum ranting that we have not been sufficiently diligent in the search but there were no supplements to the names. Nonetheless, we waited.

We hoped there would be cooperation from those who have claimed to want to see restitution made. You can read the posts and emails as well as we can. In our opinion, there has been no cooperation from those who have repeatedly claimed to have information.

There have been some very nice people who have offered address information. But those who constantly are on the attack have provided nothing. Not one legitimate name that was unknown to us. But we have waited patiently. As weeks and days went by, our confidence in the fidelity of our records grew considerably.

At first, we accepted the possibility there might have been some validity to the longstanding claims that other information existed, and so, we waited.

In reviewing the various posts about MSA, both new and old, and me on this Forum, the motives of my, and MSA's, primary detractors, and their handful of supporters, have become more and more clear to us.

There are a couple of small groups who are vocal. Both groups appear to want to discourage the "new MSA" from entering the pedal steel guitar business and both appear to want to ensure that they malign the other new MSA principals and me. If their methods somehow had not previously struck fair-minded people as excessive, the unwarranted, unfair, and uncalled for tactics which they have employed while we have been trying to advance the MSA RESOLUTION process must surely reveal to everyone that their intentions are other than that which they have claimed.

On the brighter side, we have been able to make use of some of it though.
For instance, while we originally believed that traditional dealership arrangements needed to be revised for today's ways of doing business, we had planned, nonetheless, to consider fostering dealer type arrangements as appropriate. Our experience since the MSA RESOLUTION post, should we decide on that marketing direction in the future, has allowed us to pare down the list of potential dealers of MSA steel guitars and accessories.

As we continued to wait for supplemental information, and as the orchestrated complaints about our not trying hard enough to find participants were aired,
Tom Bradshaw, on April 15, 2002, sent an email to Dave Horner, Kyle Bennett and me. That email contained an "offer" for us to use Bradshaw's list of 7500 individual names and numerous organizations – all connected in some way to steel guitars. We were given a response deadline of April 20, 2002. On April 15, 2002, Dave Horner responded to Bradshaw and asked for some clarification of the "offer." In the meanwhile, just on the chance that the offer was genuine, we developed an email to be sent both to the group of 7500 individuals as well as the various organizations.

Later on April 15, 2002, Bradshaw responded that, in fact, we could not use the list but that he would use it on our behalf. He wrote that all we had to do was give him that which we wanted him to send and he would send it. On April 17, 2002, three days before the deadline he established, we sent the information to Bradshaw that we were willing for him to distribute to the 7500 people and numerous organizations. We have yet to hear another word about that. There was simply no response from Bradshaw and to the best of our knowledge he did not send out the information we were led to believe would be sent out. So the help we were led to believe we would get was no help at all. Of course, we really did not expect it would generate any additional names for the MSA RESOLUTION process, but we had been willing to try.

Of course, later, there were again cries that we were not trying hard enough. That apparently is part of a game that is being played that has seemingly no purpose but to disparage the "new MSA," my colleagues, and me. It has nothing to do with their stated goal of helping people. If Bradshaw had sent out the information, and if his estimate of 25,000 current steel guitar players is accurate, that mailing alone would have gone to something approaching 40% of the world's steel players.

On May 15, 2002, almost a full month after Bradshaw failed to even respond to our attempt to accept his "offer," an email, which we understand was sent by Bradshaw, was sent to 8000 people (according to what Bradshaw told me in an email). That email made more disparaging comments but suggested that that restitution would be made somehow through the new MSA. The email did not explain why people supposedly deserving of such disparaging comments would be willing to help anyone.

Needless to say, that email was not sanctioned by anyone associated with the new MSA. It is interesting that while Bradshaw did not want to use the email we provided him to send, he sent an email, unauthorized by any of the new MSA principals, to ostensibly the same people. Of course the email that was sent contained the typical derogatory comments. There was no reason to do that other than to spread such comments. I believe that fair-minded people can easily see that.

Simultaneously with Bradshaw’s email, the chorus went up that we were not trying hard enough and that a mailing to a wider audience should have been done that would give the recipients time to respond inasmuch as the deadline for collection of information was approaching. Of course, had Bradshaw sent out our information that we understood that he had agreed to send when we agreed to have it sent, the people would have had almost a full six weeks to respond. It appeared clear to us that rather than help anyone, our detractors were just engaged in gamesmanship. Still, we waited patiently for supplementation.

On May 20, 2002, Bradshaw sent an email to Dave Horner asking for an address where he could direct any newly found depositors from his 8000- person email to send their "claims." Inasmuch as both an email address and a regular mail address, by then, had been posted on the Forum for approximately a month and a half, since April 7, 2002, we knew the “question” was just a continuation of the gamesmanship.

Still, we waited, and while we waited we studied our information and corresponded with those who showed an interest.

In reading Bradshaw’s email it appeared to us that there was no reference to the MSA RESOLUTION post, which includes information regarding both the rules of the process and the deadline for responding, or any other reference to that information. It seems as though if someone really wanted to help, he would have at least made mention of the impending deadline. We did not notice any such mention. All these incidents taken together convince us there was never any effort or desire on the part of our detractors to help the process. And, as we expected, we have not received any credible additional information resulting from Bradshaw’s mailing.

In any event, as a matter of note, there are some very few people, or their heirs, whom we have identified from our records that we have been unable to contact. June 1, 2002 is not the deadline for those few people. Those are the only people exempt from the deadline. There are some people whom we have contacted who have not expressed any interest in participating. One person came forward that was not initially thought to be a legitimate participant, though further analysis of our records supported his participation. One person was so opposed to following the process rules that he disqualified himself from further participation. Hardly anyone attempted to assert a bogus claim.

We are satisfied that all who can be reached, save for the few mentioned above, have been, and, further, that all that have been reached, save for those few, represent the total.

The question has been raised to me. “If you had the names why didn't you do something before now?” I have no responsibility for the debts of the old MSA Corporation than any of you do. I have, however, at various times over the years tried to do that which I could do when I have had the opportunity. The establishment of the new MSA Corporation has provided an opportunity for us to voluntarily do more. And because we all wanted to, we instituted the MSA RESOLUTION process.

So here we are, it has now been about 20 years since the "old MSA" was dissolved. We have made the MSA RESOLUTION post and, until today, we were still waiting for supplementing information. And, after 20 years of discussion about it in some quarters, there are still cries suggesting that nothing is being done, or not enough is, or not the right thing is. Simply, if anyone had information to supplement ours, it should have provided by the specified deadline. The data collection process has now ended and the balance of the process will be conducted privately with the people involved.

Of course, some will no doubt attempt to persuade others that given the interest rates for certificates of deposits or gold bullion or high tech investments over the past 20 years, that people should receive 5 or 10 or 15 times any money they lost. That, of course, is foolish. People were buying guitars not high tech investments. We expect to be able to voluntarily reach a satisfactory accord with each of the MSA RESOLUTION participants. It will be for them to say whether they are satisfied with any result, not for those that have no stake in the outcome. And, without divulging any confidences, to date not one participant has made any of the outlandish proposals that have been made on this Forum by those who have supposedly been trying to help. Speculative and theoretical nonsense is much easier to engage in when you are not tied to the reality of seeking restitution for yourself in the real world.

We at the "new MSA" are very pleased to have had the opportunity to implement the MSA RESOLUTION process. We appreciate having been able to be allowed to post our messages on this Forum. I do not expect that those who simply want to carp will quit doing so. Likely, they will say that the matter is not concluded or that they do not like the results no matter what those results are. Unless they are participants in the MSA RESOLUTION process the matter is, as to them, concluded, notwithstanding any continuation of their name-calling and derogatory remarks and actions. However, I am satisfied that fair- minded people will have a fair-minded view of this entire matter and its ultimate conclusion.

The other principals of the new MSA and I shall regard the matter of attempting to make restitution as over when the MSA RESOLUTION process is completed. In fact, as of today, since we expect to carry out the remainder of the process privately with the participants, we regard the public part of the MSA RESOLUTION process as concluded. We are now going to set about the business of making the world’s finest steel guitar.

Through this process I have had confirmed to me that which I have always known. The important things in my life are my faith in God, and the love of, and association with, my family and friends. My faith has at times been tested, my family has been unwavering, some of those I thought were friends are not, some of those I did not think were friends are friends, and many people are what I supposed them to be - friends or otherwise. I am everyday thankful for my God, my family, and my true friends.

I am thankful even to have such good enemies for, by the contrast, they make me realize daily the value of a good friend. I am thankful to have been given the ability to earn a living doing something I love to do. I am thankful that this matter is as resolved as it can ever be. I am thankful that I will be back in the business I love so dearly and I hope that I can be of service to many of you. I will do my best with my colleagues to bring to you the greatest pedal steel guitar in the world and give it world-class support. Those of you who extend a legitimate hand of friendship will be offered the same and I hope you will contact me. I hope that will be many of you and I look forward to doing what I can do to further the cause of the pedal steel guitar for the benefit of all of you and of the MSA Pedal Steel Guitar Company LLC.

Thank you for taking the time to read this message.

While much of the foregoing relates specifically to me, Reece Anderson, all of the principals of the MSA Pedal Steel Guitar Company LLC, which are named below, have signed this post reflecting their respective contributions to the information contained in it.

Maurice “Reece” Anderson
Kyle Bennett
Jerry Anderson

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Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2002 12:40 pm    
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Reece, I think you should ask b0b to close this thread before the canons start firing.

Good luck.

Carter D10 9p/10k
Richard Sinkler

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Bill Cunningham

Atlanta, Ga. USA
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2002 1:03 pm    
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Well said Daymon.

"Gimme a steel guitar, 2 or 3 fiddles and a Texas rhythm section that can swing"..W. Nelson

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Jerry Horner


Tahlequah, OK, USA
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2002 1:12 pm    
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Good luck Reese to you and the company.

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Sidney Malone


Buna, TX
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2002 2:23 pm    
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Well it was just what I expected, a first class response from a first class individual/organazation!! As always Reece & MSA have went beyond what is required of them!! Good luck with the "New MSA" I'm sure it will be no less than the best!!

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Calhoun Georgia
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2002 2:26 pm    
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I have never doubted your honesty and integrity.It it obvios to me that you have
done everything possible to resolve the problem and i believe that you have.You have gone that extra mile many times,you didnt have to but you did.I admire you for the courage and paitence you have shown during this seemingly unending ordeal.I wish you,
your family and the new MSA the very best.You
all deserve nothing less my friend.

Wayne Broyles
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Jim Phelps


Mexico City, Mexico
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2002 4:57 pm    
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Reece, I admit I only know what I've read of this mess and only God and those of you who were at MSA at the time it all went down really know the truth. This post is, as they say here in the Forum, "just my 2-cents' worth".

If it could all be boiled down to one crucial point, it would be the question of whether or not the deposits were accepted with the knowledge that no guitars would be delivered. The detracters say this question hasn't been answered, Reece says it's been answered sufficiently in his statement that he closed MSA as soon as he knew there was no way they could make their SBA payment, payroll, etc. This is the detail in question that fuels the fire as well as the reason that the "detracters" feel Reece is personally connected to the loss of the deposits and that the situation is not comparable to a company bankruptcy.

You may be the only person who really knows if you accepted those deposits with the knowledge that their guitars would not be delivered, and if you did you know it was wrong. If you are completely innocent of that accusation, then I feel very bad for you and your family and friends for going through all this. In the past I have been accused of things I never would have done (usually by my ex-wife from Hell) and I know how much being falsely accused hurts. On the other hand, no one is completely innocent and I have made my share of mistakes, a few of which I don't know if I could even bring myself to talk about, but I do admit to myself and to God that indeed they happened, I was responsible for them. That's the least we all MUST do, and hopefully we learn not to repeat them.

If you never did these things the you've been accused and/or suspected of, then may you and God forgive us for the false accusations and suspicions.

If you actually did make these errors in judgement concerning the lost deposits, even if you couldn't bring yourself to admit it to the world you MUST at least admit it to yourself and to God that you screwed up. You wouldn't be the first guy who made a mistake.

In either case, thank you for initiating the "MSA Resolution", I hope this will be the end of the old MSA depositor mess, that all the depositors will be satisfied with whatever you're working out with them and you and they will finally have "closure" and get on with your lives. Good luck with the new MSA, I hope you have none of the problems of the old.
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Rick Garrett


Tyler, Texas
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2002 3:51 am    
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Mr. Anderson, you and I have met only once. We've talked by phone a few times and I've enjoyed it each and everytime. I applaud your efforts to make right an unfortunate situation of 20 years ago. I too own my business and we are incorporated. I shiver to think how I could ever possibly pay things owed by my corporation should something happen to shut us down. I also applaud your heart and care in attempting this. The mere act of trying to make sure everyone involved is taken care of, while enemies with ajendas of their own are taking cheap shots, speaks volumes about your character as well as the character of the partners you've been blessed with.

We live in a world where we all share problems and difficulties in our day to day lives. I believe in my heart that true Character is shown in the way we deal with the problems we encounter as we travel lifes road. I salute you Mr. Anderson and am so proud to call you friend. With each action I witness in the MSA Resolution, it re-afirms my admiration for you as a person and ambassador of our Steel Guitar. Some of the most wonderful folks in the world are involved in the making and playing of our instrument and you sir are one of them.
On a seperate note I want to say Thanks so much for showing me kindness and concern when I desperately needed it. May God Bless and keep you always!

Your Friend

Rick Garrett
P.S. Please note my new email addy rickgarrett@cox-internet.com
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CrowBear Schmitt

Ariege, - PairO'knees, - France
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2002 5:55 am    
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i doubt many People would go to the X-tent of straightening thinks out, especially over 20 years, like Reece has tried to do.
Running a Bizness and a corporate one is not a piece of cake. (i'd rather be Steelin' right ?)
i only know Reece from this Forum, he"s a Honest Gentleman in my book !
i'm sure the new MSA is gonna be a real Treat.
All the best Reece.
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Jody Carver

Post  Posted 2 Jun 2002 10:22 am    
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Some of the most enjoyable things I look forward to on this Forum,,,,,is Events and
Announcements. The other is Our Extended Family.

I pay particular attention the to latter,,as it shows people who are in need of prayer and well wishes. Many are of a sad nature with condolences offered to those who lost a friend or family member. These things touch my heart and show the true feelings of what should be a community. I have never been dissapointed in either of the two mentioned above.

Im always interested in the Events and Annoucements,,,but the Extended family many times makes me feel sad to those asking for the help of God and prayers from all of you.

I have paid particular attention this past week regarding the "saga" of the MSA story.
I have long known of the descrepencies that shroud this issue. I have heard and read the accusations against people without hearing "the other side of the story".

Most times,,I would just pass it off,,as I felt I had no right to make a comment either
in a postive or otherwise manner. I have never
ordered a MSA guitar as others claim they have,,and have been left without their deposits being rightfully returned. On the surface,,,there is no excuse for that........

However,,,,Maurice Anderson has lived with this cloud over his head for over 20 years &
he has suffered by it..I saw a number of posts recently,,a few which were "heated" exchanges between Maurice and another Forum
member,,,,I dont like arguments or hard feelings,,,nor do I like people making accusations without proper cause and proof.

This,,,,,like many of you disturbed me,,Oh I
can understand the frustrations of those involved and Its easy for me to say....Why make such a Big Deal?? Well to those who had
had this experience,,I can understand,,,I too
may have felt the same way if the situation involved me.

I cannot speak for those who were treated as
they claim they were. All of the Steel Guitar
community has been waiting for something of an explanation from Maurice.

His explanation as he posted was read by myself over and over...I had no "axe" to grind in any way,,I just felt that something
should be addressed with regard to the long standing mystery of the MSA "untold story".

I firmly beleive that explanation has been made in good faith and I for one believe Maurice.

I have had a good friend of many years by the name of Fred Mc Cord who owns a music store in Dallas,,,Fred was one of the very first Fender dealers going way back before most of you were born.

Fred and his wife Anita were good friends of
Leo Fender and Don Randall over the years.
The Mc Cords were looked upon as "family" to all the Fender people,,,,Fred and Anita are truly the epitome of class and sincerity.

Back when this MSA thing came down,,I asked Fred about what was happening,,,his answer was simple and to the point,,,Leo at this time was involved with MusicMan and his Fender days were behind him.

Leo and Fred both complimented Maurice not only for his talent as a fine musician,,but more so of his credibility as a human being.

I always admired Leo and Fred and respected anything they said,,,,their comments were of a positive nature regarding then then developing situation at MSA.

With the respect I had for these two people..
why, and how could I doubt their word??.
Fred "quote" told me in Leo's presence that Maurice was having a tough time,,but would resolve the problem. Who was I to doubt their
word?? If you were me....would you??? especially coming from the source it did.?

I feel that the explanation by Maurice was long overdue and many of you feel the same,I beleive he waited for the right time to explain his situation. I feel his comments have been justified.

There are believers and non beleivers,,,every
one has that right,,who am I to preach to you? I remember a time when I was in Grammer
school...a bunch of guys were beating up on
this one kid,,,I stopped and asked,,,"whats going on here?? the rowdy said,,Oh I dunno?,,I think this kid they are beating up on did something wrong,,,I said what did he do??? his reply was,,,I dont know,,but he must have done something wrong,,,,look at all
the guys "beating up" on him.

They beat this youngster badly and he had to be hospitalized,,,,not long after,,it was discovered that the boy who was beat up was in fact the "WRONG" boy. It was a silly argument over a girl. They call that a "gang
bang" back here on the East Coast...this happened in a place called Brooklyn NY.

I have learned a long time ago to say nothing
hear nothing and do nothing...I have never
adhered to that lesson,,,I learned what it meant,,but my inner self always was to speak when I felt it to be the right time.

I feel that this is the right time for my to express my opinion,,I think I have every right to do so in something and someone I beleive in.

I may get beat up for this,,,but as least I had my say. Is this not what this Forum is for?? or am I out of order?

I never liked sad endings,,,,but one of my favorite movies has always been "The Pride Of The Yankee's....the story of the Great Lou
Gehrig,,,Gary Cooper played the part of Gehrig in the movie and Teresa Wright played the role of Lou's wife.

The emotional ending was when Lou Gehrig who knew he was dying spoke at the Yankee Stadium
to over 67,000 people "and you could hear a pin drop" as he said,,,"quote" some say I have been given a bad break,,,well "Today I consider myself "The Luckiest Man On The Face of the Earth" and that rings true for me
as well,,,,,all your prayers have been answered,,,my wife is feeling much better although she has a long way to go,,,it was the prayers of people like yourselves who have made that happen.

I can say what Lou Gehrig said many many years ago,,,Today I consider myself the "Luckiest Man On The Face of The Earth"

In the not too distant future. if not right now,,,I think that Maurice will and has always felt that way,,he will be The Luckiest
man on the Face of the Earth
HOF or not....he belongs in the HOF both as a great talent as well as a
fine human being.....how do I know that?? Leo and Fred told me so. and they never told a lie.

Heres one for you before I leave,,,,,,.......

There are 2 drunks standing on a street corner in Manhattan on a bright and sunny day
One drunk says to the other,,,,hey thats the
sun up there,,,,the other drunk says NO your'e crazy....thats the moon up there,,,,,,
this went on and on,,,,finally another drunk came walking down the street and they stopped
this drunk and said,,,hey buddy,,,,tell us guys,,,,is that that sun or the moon up there??? the third drunk looked up and says... "How Do I Know? I dont live around here,,,so you see ...you cant beleive everything you see and nothing of what you hear.

Remember this my friends.

We Dont Stop Playing Because We Get Old.

We Get Old Because We Stop Playing.

Keep Swinging Reece,,,You have a friend in
Pennsylvania, besides....thats the States slogan. Later my friends and thanks for all your prayers......lets pray for one another.

Be well all of you,,,as bOb would say...
"Have at It Jody" and I did......Thank you.

PS Edited....Maurice started his music career
at McCords Music in Dallas Texas,when he was a youngster,,and they knew him like their own

[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 02 June 2002 at 12:35 PM.]

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Larry Bell

Englewood, Florida
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2002 11:41 am    
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As one who has no direct, monetary interest in this issue, like Jody, I have chosen to keep out of it. Perhaps for reasons similar to those Jody states, I will 'delurk' for a moment.

I played MSA guitars for the first 5 or 6 years I played. I always found them to be of the highest quality and found Maurice, Jerry, Bud, and the others I interacted with to be knowledgeable, friendly, and accessible. I couldn't ask for much more.

I met Maurice in around 1975, when I played my first steel show -- with several other local players and Reece headlining. He spent more than an hour with me explaining how his concept of a 'universal tuning' worked. It planted a seed that continues to grow in me, and I thank him for his influence. I loved the way he could hop back and forth between country, swing and jazz idioms so easily -- and tastefully. He was (and is) the epitome of a musician who played steel guitar (rather than vice versa). I hold his playing in the highest of regard and always will.

I no longer play MSA guitars but they hold a place in my heart, along with Reece. I truly don't know, and perhaps don't care to know, what Reece's legal liability is -- this issue is more complex than I comprehend -- and I can leave it at that. All I can say is that I was always treated with kindness, helpfulness, and dignity when I bought, played and maintained the three MSA guitars I owned. My dealings with Reece have not been numerous, but I have nothing but warm feelings for this gentleman, who is also a GIANT in the realm of pedal steel guitar.

I want to publicly wish Reece, and the others at the new MSA Corporation the best of luck and hope our steel guitar community can FINALLY let them get down to business.

(I still intend to get down to big 'D' one of these days for 'lesson two')

Your friend,
Larry Bell

Larry Bell - email: larry@larrybell.org - gigs - Home Page
2000 Fessenden S-12 8x8, 1969 Emmons S-12 6x6, 1971 Emmons D-10 9x9, 1971 Dobro

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oakland, ca
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2002 11:54 am    
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the subject line of this thread implies that there has been some resolution in this matter. there has not.

the only thing that has happened is that we hit june 1, at which time msa stopped looking for folks who lost money with the old msa.

resolution will occur at that point in time when either folks get their money back, or msa says we ain't paying nobody nothin'.

at that point, it will be resolved one way or another.

if msa feels morally obligated to reimburse folks, great. if it feels like the right thing to for pr reasons, great.

if not, the chips (and karma) will fall where they may.

but... it isn't resolved yet.

bruce linde
aka smike
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Les Green

Jefferson City, MO, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2002 1:28 pm    
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I met Reece and Jerry Anderson back in the early '70's when I picked up my new MSA. Both men a class act. I know the "new" MSA will be a class act also. Good luck Reece, Jerry and all the rest!
Les Green
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oakland, ca
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2002 3:46 pm    
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daymon -

you are right... i realized that i meant to focus on the word 'conclusion'...

nothing has been concluded, except the 'identify the victims' phase.

it might have been more appropriate to say 'this concludes part I', than to say 'conclusion'... which is not quite accurate, is it?

aka bruce linde
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Don Olson


Muscatine,Ia. USA
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2002 4:28 pm    
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A excellent letter,you are to be commended for your efforts in resoving this matter,the best of luck with your new MSA guitar company.
Don Olson
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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2002 4:47 pm    
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I have personally known Maurice for 34 years.

He is a First Class Person and a First Class Musician , and as Larry Bell says, who Happens to play Steel Guitar.

He should have been installed in the HOF long ago ahead of a few others.....al
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Calhoun Georgia
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2002 5:13 pm    
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It's over,except for the private things going
on with a few people,which is none of your business,or mine.I have a feeling that 20 years from now you will still be ranting and raving about this.It's over whether you like it or not.Im not trying to start a fight with you,just telling you like it is,let it go.Maurice Anderson owes me nothing,what does he owe you?

Wayne Broyles
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Jody Carver

Post  Posted 2 Jun 2002 6:42 pm    
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Years ago when I was endorsing Fender guitars
and amps,,,,,Leo Fender requested that I take
a photo with my Fender Custom Triple Neck guitar. He asked me to wear my "white cowboy
hat" I hated to wear any kind of hat. This photo was for the Fender Catalogue.

He said....pardner,,,wear that white hat would ya?? I said why Leo??? he then said well all the "good guys" in the western movies wear "white hats" I did and he was happy.

I too am happy to see all of you Cowboys wearing your "white hats" to show your respect for Maurice. He deserves to be free
of this terrible thing that has been thrown at him for all these years. Hey Reece,,put your "white hat on" your'e one of the "good guys".....others need not apply White Hats ONLY....anyone is welcome to join the good guys,,,,gotta saddle up,,,,here comes
Sheriff bOb with a posse,,,he's always after me dog gone it. ....THE END.
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Gary Walker


Morro Bay, CA
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2002 6:53 pm    
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Anyone who can keep harping on a dead horse and trying to keep the scab scraped off obviously has never gone through a bankrupt situation. Most pricipals in these failures come out with nothing but the shirt on their back and to insist that those poor slobs sell their last knife and fork to pay those cry babies makes no sense at all. When we bought a franchise a few years ago, the powers to be told us to pay ourselves first in a bad predicament. You don't kill the plow mule to satisfy a debt because your earning power is gone for good. I have known Reece for 34 years also and have the highest respect for him and his products and believe him to be honest and forthright and this should have nothing to do with his induction to the HOF which is based on a player's talent and contribution and not politics and a persuit of vengance.
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2002 8:50 pm    
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I'm real curious though, Reece. What is the conclusion? Are those people who were shorted by the old MSA going to get new guitars from the new MSA? Or have they all agreed to let bygones be bygones? Or what?

The title of this topic (in ALL CAPS, no less) leads the reader to believe that it's all over now. The opening post may have set a record for length, but through it all I don't see the actual "resolution conclusion". It seems to me that things are still a bit up in the air.

Nobody wants to see this resolved more than I do. It has been a royal pain monitoring the various hot-headed topics, not to mention the endless emails on the subject. It has to end soon. I feel like I'm on the last chapter of a mystery novel, sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to see what will happen. Please, as soon as you settle with these folks, let us know in simple terms what the settlement is. The suspense is killing me.

I am really glad that this thing is finally winding down, though. Good luck with your new company.

               Bobby Lee
-b0b-   quasar@b0b.com
-System Administrator
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2002 8:58 pm    
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I'm sorry. I missed the crucial paragraph:
The other principals of the new MSA and I shall regard the matter of attempting to make restitution as over when the MSA RESOLUTION process is completed. In fact, as of today, since we expect to carry out the remainder of the process privately with the participants, we regard the public part of the MSA RESOLUTION process as concluded.
In other words, it's none of our business. Okay. Should I close the topic, then?

               Bobby Lee
-b0b-   quasar@b0b.com
-System Administrator
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Mike Cass


Post  Posted 2 Jun 2002 9:30 pm    
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b0b, if youre accepting votes on your last question, put me down in the yes column
Steve Feldman

Central MA USA
Post  Posted 3 Jun 2002 5:12 am    
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Like it or not, the conclusion affects anyone in the steel guitar community who would consider buying a new MSA product in the future - especially when any up front money is considered.
As is typical with a corporate dissolution, the officers, employees and shareholders had no legal responsibility for any corporate debt.

The important point, to me, is that for whatever reason - good, bad, right, or wrong - people lost money, and that although no personal liability was incurred, the principles of the old MSA are now asking the steel guitar community for our trust and support. Again, I don't know all the particulars, but don't kid yourself, the outcome of this whole restitution process is important to ALL OF US. Public perception matters. That this process is occurring now, after ~20 years, certainly suggests to me that good faith and good PR among the entire steel guitar community are viewed by the new MSA company as being critical to its success. Rightly so.

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Harold Leach


Eckville, Alberta, Canada
Post  Posted 3 Jun 2002 5:28 am    
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As a very small buisness person, and one who worked on repairing many steel guitars in the past I have offten wondered where M.S.A. would be to-day if they were still made. I owned and played several of them myself and they were a fine instrument. There is still a lot of them being played in Canada.
Though I never had the pleasure of meeting Reece personaly I have talked many times on the phone with him, and found him to be a very honest, and obliging person. God Bless you Reece and all the luck in the world to you. I'm sure the new guitar will be a work of art. Mant thanks for your help and friendship over the years. Harold.
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Columbus, Ohio
Post  Posted 3 Jun 2002 10:16 am    
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Hi Reece, I wish you the best in your new endeavor with the new MSA Millinium. I'm sure it will be great,especially with the new space age technology. I also want to thank you for being the originator,or one of the originators,{correct me in which one} of the universal tuning. I've been looking at the E9th/B6th,and I have played on a couple guitars that incorporates this tuning.This tuning to me personally seems to be the one for not only now, but the future to come. You are able to play any style of music with this tuning,and I can also see play licks and so forth that can't be done on the double neck ten string. So thanks again for being there,and following your calling in music with your life. Kenny K.
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