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Dave Van Allen

Souderton, PA , US , Earth
Post  Posted 10 Apr 2002 11:57 am    
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I received this email today. It is in response to issues raised in forum post http://steelguitarforum.com/Forum4/HTML/002508.html concerning changes in venue and other issues around the Annual Steelin' For Hearts Jam.
I am posting per Glen's request.


Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 12:27:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Martin
Subject: Post to Forum?
To: dave van allen

I was hoping to post this to the forum but I'm not a
member. Would you be willing to post it for me, and
Thanks for your support,

Dear forum members and supporters of the Steelin' For
Hearts Steel Guitar Jam,

My name is Glenn H. Martin and I am the co-chairman of
this event. I would like to respond to a few of the
things discussed on this forum that greatly concern
both Dean Black and myself. First let me begin by
saying that decisions made concerning an event this
big are not made willy nilly and a vast amount of time
and resources go into planning and pulling off this
Jam every year for the past 14 years. Litterally
hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars (which by
the way if the Jam is not successful will come out of
CENT. But could stand to loose a lot. This is not
something that is thrown together in a month. Dean, I,
and our small staff spend the entire year planning
this event, For who? Certainly not for us, (I don‚t
even play Pedal Steel) we do it for two reasons. The
first is a promise Dean (who was one of the original
organizers of the Jam) made to Sonny Hunley before he
died that he would keep this thing alive. The second
is so all the pedal steel players who could make it
could have a chance to meet and greet and play a
little and get to rub elbows with some of their heros.
Personally, I am involved out of my friendship and the
respect I have for Dean in taking on this charitable
event. We hope a majority of the people are glad that
we are fortunate enough to consistently get the cream
of the crop in pedal steel players that the people who
come might never get the chance to see never the less
get to meet. Yes we do pay some of these people to
perform but it is a nominal sum (I‚m sure much less
than they would get for even one hour of studio time).
These are people that you just can‚t go see locally.
Especially not all under one roof. We have been
fortunate enough to have hotel rooms donated for the
event and always research for the cheapest air fares.

As far as moving the Jam to the Birchmere. Latela‚s
was sold last year and we were informed that we would
not be able to have the Jam there. Plain and simple WE
LOST OUR VENUE. I guess we could have just called it
quits but to Dean that was not a viable alternative.
So we began looking for a new venue. Keep in mind many
large venues are open on Sunday for their regular
business. The Birchmere offered us a deal that was too
good to refuse and so we decided on a beautiful and
famous venue. We thought that sounded like a good
idea. It gave us the opportunity to expand into a
bigger and better event. Again for us? No...not for
us but for you.

The locals pickers (as we refer to them) that perform
are players who request a spot. We do not solicit for
these players. Everyone who has ever asked to play at
this jam was immediately put schedule (one of my
functions is to create the schedule). Last year Dean
gave up his spot on the schedule to a last minute
local picker (Al "Boo" Miller). He realized we were
getting more requests from the local pickers to play
and could'nt bring himself to deny anyone. This year
because of the increased interest of people who wished
to play, I (not Dean) put the names in a hat and
pulled out the people for this year and the remaining
names would play next year. We just have too many
pickers to cram into a one day event. Seemed like the
only fair thing to do. Were sorry if anyone felt
cheated. We really hated having to deny anyone, and
was one of our hardest decisions of this years Jam.

As for the admission price. Dean and I have it out
every year over the admission price. I always think it
should be more but he says NO! He always wins. I defy
anyone to find a better price for any show anywhere.
You would have to pay at least that much to see any
one of the big name performers that are on the bill
this year. Ticketmaster, well that came with the
Birchmere. Not a choice. We will be selling tickets at
the door as usual. So you can beat the extra charge.
Better yet, anyone who attends the Jam and is not
fully satisfied that the show was not worth the $25
admission please come see me and I will personally
refund your price of admission. And once again ALL the
proceeds go to charity. Plain and simple, there is no
other steel guitar convention that is non-profit.

I would like to also add that we are always looking
for people to be come involved with the Jam. If you
would like your opinions heard in a constructive
setting please come join us as a member of the staff.
We would like to extend an invitation for anyone who
would like to volunteer to help with either the
planning or the day of the Jam itself to please
contact either me 410-674-7346 or Dean 843-237-3555.
We have a very dedicated but very small staff and can
use all the help we can get. To be honest we have only
five or six people this year at the event because some
of our most valued staff members can not make it due
to unavoidable personal circumstances..

I hope this answers some of the questions/concerns
that some of you had. Why did WE change a good thing?
It seems to have kind of taken on a life of its own
and changed itself as it evolved into the event it has
become. We feel honored to be able to be a part of
such an event and feel it is something that many
people look forward to year after year and we hope
(with your support) to be able to continue for many
more years to come.

A special thanks to all the people who have supported
us over the years. We could not do this without you.

We realize we can't please everyone but we sure as
hell give it our very best shot.

Glenn H. Martin
Steelin' For Hearts Steel Guitar Jam

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Steve Feldman

Central MA USA
Post  Posted 10 Apr 2002 3:59 pm    
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As far as moving the Jam to the Birchmere. Latela‚s was sold last year and we were informed that we would not be able to have the Jam there. Plain and simple WE

That's kinda the botton line (or one of 'em) I guess. Sounds like a great show! Sorry I can't make it this year.
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Joseph V. Sapp


eastern shore, Md.
Post  Posted 11 Apr 2002 9:57 am    
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Dave, and Glen:
well I'll throw some gas on the already burning flame !!!! To quote Glen, "Meet,Greet and Play....?...unless the pickers are selling their products,,,I doubt if any of us will get the chance to even talk to them. To Greet ?...well that depends on your point of view, and to play,,,well its now changed from what Sonny started as a "JAM" to a full blown "SHOW" and your chances of playing ,,,"FORGET IT" its by invitation only. then throw in the change to the "Birchmere" Gee,,,such a friendly city !!!!!! the general D.C. area is one of my favorite places to be crapped on. whats next ???? suit and tie only? no,,,its not the honky tonk, and yes,,,some players that are in the Steel Guitar Hall of Fame,,,(which is a whole other subject) but this is headed down the same road as the new Trashville !!!! I know,,,Its just my opinion, and you know what is said about opinions !!!! Guys,,,your loosing something here. yes its not for you,,,its for us,,,fans and pickers alike, if you've been chosen as one of the lucky ones to play, I guess your sittin in high cotton, but local boys take a back seat? if the whole event has gotten to the point of pulling names out of a hat, then change it to a two day event!
sounds like a numbers game to me and as we all know,,,money talks, and bull $hit walks. I wonder what Sonny would think about all the local boys playing this year? Gee,,How many are there? I lost count.

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Holmdel, NJ
Post  Posted 11 Apr 2002 10:59 am    
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You can "take it to the bank" that you'll be able to "meet and greet" at least one professional player.And he doesn't even have a booth.
.. The type of man one can only aspire to be like.
A true "GENTLEMAN"and "AMBASSADOR" of the steel guitar.
**** MR. LEONARD T. ZINN ****
I've never seen a more content man in my life!

[This message was edited by BobG on 11 April 2002 at 01:22 PM.]

[This message was edited by BobG on 11 April 2002 at 05:46 PM.]

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Dave Van Allen

Souderton, PA , US , Earth
Post  Posted 11 Apr 2002 11:35 am    
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Glen's email address is included in the above message. Please make sure you send him a copy of your post. As I indicated above, I am only the messenger.

I do fail to see how changing the venue "craps on " you.

Physical access to the "name" players will be whatever THEY as individuals wish it to be. Same as any performer. Most are from the classic country background and know the importance of the fan meet and greet. I would expect they might well be pretty available. But I cannot speak for them nor claim to.

It may seem disingenuous as one of the locals "in high cotton", but I myself was not particularly pleased with the ratio of famous names to local yokels this year either, and was fully prepared to be disappointed in my desire to perform.
(I may still be, but only after having done so.)

My OPINION (and I get to have one just like you) is that if things go well this year at the new venue they may well be able to turn it into a two day event and/or take over both stage areas of the Birchmere and then everyone gets to play. Or if it 's a failure this year, Dean and Glen "take a bath"financially and decide it ain't worth the hassle anymore. That would be a damn shame after 14 years.

That would be what I would call "getting crapped on".

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Dave Horch


Frederick, Maryland, USA
Post  Posted 11 Apr 2002 8:19 pm    
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I never thought the "old" spot was any big shakes, myself. The Birchmere is much, much nicer, IMHO.

This is a major upgrade.

Mullen (See! No "S") D-10
Photo page

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Joseph V. Sapp


eastern shore, Md.
Post  Posted 12 Apr 2002 8:48 am    
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Bob G.

your 100% right pertaining to L.T. Zinn, I've done business with this fine Gentleman at a local leval, for over 25 years, (Zinns Valley Music Center). and will continue to do so. and congrats to him in his induction into the MSGHOF. its long overdue.

I dont consider anyone a "local yokel" local player, yes, but Yokel? far from it. not just the investment of the equipment alone, but the time vested in getting to the point where each picker is. and I guess the bottom line is for something that each of us love dearly and wont let go.


I'd love to take over as your E-mail suggested, no I dont sit in a office doing the 9 to 5 thing. I work as a welder,5 pm to 5 am, 12hr days 6 days a week, taking care of my wife,daughter, and special needs son. But thats my choice !!! and wouldnt trade a single moment or a simple smile from their faces for anything. 6 hrs of sleep,then the remainder of my time, taking care of our vehicles,home care, maby an occasional pizza,then its start the whole thing over. God Bless you to Sir !!!!!
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