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Author Topic:  Steve Dawson

Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 17 Feb 2008 9:18 am    
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There's an interesting article about Steve Dawson in the Calgary Herald.
Steve Dawson could never be accused of shirking his homework when it comes to expanding his musical horizons.

The Vancouver musician, producer, record label founder and songwriter was an acknowledged expert on most of the stringed family when he decided a few years back to pursue the pedal steel guitar -- a deceptively challenging instrument and one of the few that he hadn't already mastered.

So, armed with a government grant, Dawson approached pedal steel master Greg Leisz -- an American musician whose work has appeared on albums by Joni Mitchell, Beck and Wilco -- and hunkered down for months to obsess over the finicky ins and outs of the instrument.

"I liked the process of learning and was really drawn to the idea of a steep learning curve," says Dawson, in an interview from his home in Vancouver.

"I find with the guitar, I don't really learn like I used to when I was a kid. I wasn't sitting down and every day coming up with something new." The education was so in-depth, that Dawson was eventually able to base an entire album around his pedal steel prowess. The all-instrumental Telescope will be released later this year.

Click here for the full article.
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Mark Eaton

Sonoma County in The Great State Of Northern California
Post  Posted 17 Feb 2008 9:24 am    
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Well, there's the obvious answer to my problem - I need a government grant so that I can take lessons from Greg Leisz! Cool
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Marc Jenkins

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Post  Posted 17 Feb 2008 11:05 am    
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When I heard this from a mutual friend, I contacted Steve (who I'd known as a great flatpicker and non-pedal player for years) about taking some lessons from him to squeeze some of that Leisz-juice of of him...sounds like he's too busy though...
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