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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 15 Feb 2008 1:40 pm    
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I've still got this thing on my desktop even though they stopped updating it in'04. It loads and runs at bootup.
Does it serve any purpose? With S&D, Windows Defender, AVG, ZoneAlarm and SpywareBlaster running, is there any point in keeping SG or should I have ditched it years ago? I guess the reason I've still got it is that it seems to function in real time--if it's actually functioning at all? Can't say I recall ever seeing it do anything unless it's silently kicking bad-stuff ass.
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Bent Romnes

London,Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 15 Feb 2008 4:42 pm    
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Jon, I would say if it's from '04, it likely won't be doing any updates and with the newer programs like Spyware S&D, that prog is likely outdated and even if it runs , it might be giving you a false sense of security. I would say uninstall it.
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 15 Feb 2008 7:08 pm    
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Jon, I would say if it's from '04, it likely won't be doing any updates

----that's a known fact--I'm aware that this program is no longer supported.

and even if it runs , it might be giving you a false sense of security.......

----not a problem. My only thought is that out of sight, out of mind, if it still might be capable of catching something then what's the harm of letting it be. On the other hand if there's nothing even possibly useful here then who needs the resource drain.
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Wiz Feinberg

Mid-Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 15 Feb 2008 10:45 pm    
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Some people still recommend and use SpywareGuard, because all it does is monitor the startup locations and browser for changes. As such it doesn't depend upon signatures. It watches for possibly dangerous behavior and, I guess, warns you if something triggers it's alarm system. I don't use it and never have.

Spybot S&D has the TeaTimer module that does get updated and monitors all startup locations, and registry keys, and browser functions for changes. If you already have Spybot installed, just turn on the TeaTimer, for real-time, resident protection against unwanted system changes. Note that it may challenge updates to some applications, which you would have to allow, much like happens with ZoneAlarm Firewalls.

I know somebody is going to ask, so I'm posting this explanation as to why this module is called the TeaTimer.

Why is TeaTimer called TeaTimer?

As we used to forget our tea when we let it brew, we built a small tool with a system tray icon to remind us. We called this tool TeaTimer.

When we started to develop the Resident tool for Spybot-S&D, we also needed a system tray icon for this. As we do not like having too many icons in the system tray, we decided to put both tools together and kept the name TeaTimer.

A future version of the Resident tool might have the functions of the original TeaTimer again.

The Spybot Search & Destroy FAQ's are here. Tips about how to use it and what's been updated recently - are on my blog, in the Security Program Updates category.
"Wiz" Feinberg, Moderator SGF Computers Forum
Security Consultant
Twitter: @Wizcrafts
Main web pages: Wiztunes Steel Guitar website | Wiz's Security Blog | My Webmaster Services | Wiz's Security Blog
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Bent Romnes

London,Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 15 Feb 2008 11:37 pm    
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Jon, the man has spoken. Read his words and act accordingly.
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 16 Feb 2008 5:02 am    
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And thus we say farewell to SG. Thanks Bent. Gracias Wiz.
Oh crap, forgot my tea.
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